2018石家庄小升初英语备考指南 英语语法27


⑵.will /shall +动词真相

  (在书面语中,主语是第一人称时,经常使用shall ,在白话中,所有人称均可以用will)

  1.必定句 主语+will/shall+动词真相+其它成分

  I (shall) write to him next week.


  2.否认句 主语 + will /shall+ not + 动词真相 +其它成分

  They won‘t watch TV this evening.


  3.一般疑难句 will/shall+主语 +动词真相+其它成分

  Will you stay at home with us tomorrow ?


  4.特别疑难句特别疑难词(Wh-) +一般疑难句

  When will your father be back? 你爸爸甚么时侯回来?

  3、附 :Shall I /we …经常使用来收罗对方定见,而问对方是不是愿意,或暗示客套的约请,经常使用Will you…?他们的答复比力机动。

  1.Shall we go to the park ?

  必定Sure , let’s go .

  否认 No , let‘s go to the cinema.

  2.Will you please come to my birthday party next week ?

  必定Yes, I will.

/ Sure .

  否认 I’m sorry. I‘m afraid I can’t.

  4、时候标记:tomorrow , soon , next Monday ,  next year , next weekend , this afternoon , this evening ……
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