


1. psychoanalysis精力阐发

2. behaviorism举动主义

3. humanism人本主义

4. sensation感受

5. perception 知觉

6. consciousness/proconsciousness/unconsciousness 意识/前意识/潜意识

7. absolute/difference threshold绝对/不同阈限

8. absolute/ difference sensitivity绝对/不同感觉性

9. sensory deprivation感受褫夺

10. Weber's law 韦伯定律Fechner's law费希纳定律

11. monocular/ binocular cue单眼/双眼线索

12. illusion错觉

13. sensory memory/short-term memory/long-term memory/working memory /explicit memory /implicit memory


14. serial position effect系各位置效应

15. long-term potentiation永劫程加强

16. tip of tongue 舌尖征象(TOT)

17. voluntary/involuntary attention随便/不随便注重

18. rapid eye movement dream快速眼动睡眠(REM)

19. set of thinking思惟定势

20. strategy of problem thinking问题解决计谋

21. Wernicke’s/ Broca’s area威尔尼克/布洛卡区

22. intrinsic/extrinsic motive内涵(发)/外在(衍)念头

23. need hierarchy theory需求层级

24. self-actualization自我实现

25. Yerkes-Dodson Law 耶克斯-多德森定律

26. emotional expression 脸色

27. emotional intelligence 情感智力

28. intelligence 智力

29. personality人格

30. temperament气质


31. life-span developmental psychology终生成长生理学

32. schema图式

33. assimilation夹杂

34. acco妹妹odation适应

35. equilibrium均衡

36. cross-sectional/longitudinal/cross-sequential design横断/纵向/聚合交织钻研设计

37. identical/fraternal twins 同卵/异卵双生子

38. theory of mind生理理论

39. preferential method(视觉)偏好法

40. habituation习气法

41. visual cliff视觉绝壁

42. attachment迷恋

43. conventional/preconventional/postconventional level风俗/前风俗/后风俗程度

44. identity achievement/foreclosure/moratorium/diffusion统一性得到/早闭/延缓/分散

45. complex 情结

46. objective permanence客体永恒性

47. concrete operational stage详细运运算阶段

48. formal operational stage情势运算阶段

49. external/internal language外部/内部言语

50. language acquisition device言语得到装配(LAD)

51. transformational-generative theory转换天生说

52. critical/sensitive period关头/敏感期

53. acquisition习得

54. senility朽迈

55. heredity遗传

56. gender identity性别认同

57. prelinguistic stage言语阶段

58. telegraphic/one-word speech stage电报句/单文句阶段

59. oral/anal/phallic/latent/adolescent stage口唇/肛门/性器/暗藏/芳华期

60. cognitive ageing 认知老化


61. classical/operant conditioning 经典式/操作式前提反射

62. unconditioned stimulu/response非前提刺激(US)/反响(UR)

63. conditioned stimulusresponse/前提刺激(CS)/反响(CR)

64. fixed ratio/fixed interval/fixed ratio/ fixed interval reinforce定比(FR)/按时(FI)/变比(VR)/变时(VI)强化

65. zone of proximal development近来成长区

66. trial and error learning试误进修

67. rehearsal复诵

68. learned helplessness习得性无助

69. insight顿悟

70. learning set进修心向

71. latent learning内隐(潜伏)进修

72. cognitive map认知舆图

73. transfer迁徙

74. assisted learning辅助进修

75. associative stage毗连阶段

76. constructivism建构主义

77. failure accepting/failure-avoiding 接管失败/防止失败型

78. reciprocal determinism交互决议论

79. scaffolding teaching支架势讲授

80. token reinforcement system代币强化制

81. tracking 分层讲授

82. cognitive apprenticeship认知学徒

83. advance organizer先行组织者

84. anchorage instruction抛锚式讲授

85. cooperative learning/teaching互助进修/讲授

86. learning strategy进修计谋

87. metacognition元认知

88. Pygmalion effect皮格马利翁效应

89. meaning learning成心义进修

90. discover/accept learning发明/接管进修


91. self-reference effect 自我参照效应

92. self-efficacy自我效能

93. impression-management印象办理

94. fundamental attribution error根基归因误差

95. spotlight effect核心效应

96. self-serving bias自我办事误差

97. availability heuristic可得性开导

98. representativeness heuristic代表性开导

99. anchoring heuristic锚定和调解开导

100. attribution warp归因误差

101. social facilitation社会助长

102. social loafing社会惰化

103. altruistic behavior利他举动

104. aggression加害举动

105. over justification effect过分来由效应

106. diffusion of responsibility观看者效应/责任分离效应

107. conformity从众

108. mere exposure effect暴光效应/纯真接触效应

109. foot-in-the-door technique登门坎技能

110. door-in-the-face technique门面效应


111. experimental psychology实行生理学

112. experimental method实行法

113. naturalistic observation天然察看法

114. independent


115. dependent variable因变量

116. relevant variable相干变量

117. irrelevant variable无关变量

118. controlled variable节制变量

119. within subjects design被试内设计

120. between subjects design被试间设计

121. mixed design夹杂设计

122. double/single blind双盲/单盲法

123. Donders ABC of reaction time唐德斯反响时ABC

124. absolute limen绝对阈限

125. difference limen不同阈限


126. mental measurement生理丈量

127. norm常模

128. reliability信度

129. validity效度

130. discrimination区别度

131. norm-referenced test常模参照考试

132. criterion-referenced test尺度参照考试

133. item characteristic curve项目特性曲线

134. intelligence test智力考试

135. projective test投射考试

136. self-report inventory自陈量表

137. thematic apperception test主题统觉考试


138. psychological statistics生理统计学

139. normal distribution正态散布

140. sample mean样本均值

141. sample variance样本方差

142. sample standard


143. dependency coefficient相瓜葛数

144. sampling distribution抽样散布

145. normal distribution正态散布

146. standard normal distribution尺度正态散布

147. parameter estimation参数估量

148. interval estimation区间估量

149. hypothesis testing假如查验

150. analysis of variance方差阐发

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