




1. Okay.I got you.I know what to say and how to say it now.

2. Okay.I got you If you say....,you mean/it means/we can also say....



1. Will he come tonight? I doubt it.

2. Will he come tonight? How is that possible?Are you kidding?

读了上面英语,I doubt it,How is that possible?Are you kidding?就是一个意思。


1. Okay.I

got you.I know what to say and how to say it now.

2. If you say I doubt it,you mean/that means How is that possible?You mean Are you kidding?

3.So,I doubt it means How is that possible,means Are you kidding

你还必要把I doubt it,How is that possible?Are you kidding原本就是一个意思的英语一句一句全都翻译成中文“才能进修”,“才能懂”吗?

咱们说,咱们在这里练习的用英语学英语,实在质本色就是练习所谓的英语思惟:你不但在用英语How is it possible等来理解英语I doubt it,你还在理解英语I doubt it时“用”英语Okay.I got you等等英语。



1. The important point in learning English is We must learn English in English.

2. What is important in learning English is We must learn English in English.

3. What matters in learning English is We must learn English in English.

4. What counts in learning English is We must learn English in English.

如今一块儿来讲Okay.I got yo.I know what

to say and how to say it now.If you say...,you can also say...英语思惟练习。

最后一点,今后通常“不懂”的英语表达,就对本身说:Okay.I see.It's a big word for me,不要“说”中文“生词”。

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