英语口语100句——词组put down怎么用

??A cat

in London has been taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to {put down} this special passenger. 伦敦的一只猫常常乘公共轿车。司机甚至晓得该把这位特别乘客放在哪里。

I’ll just {put down} your phone number in my book. 我会把你的电话号码写在我的书里。

Mary is really

good at taking notes in class. She can {put down} almost every word her teacher says 玛丽在课堂上很擅长记笔记。她几乎能记下教师说的每一个字

Please {put down} the address before you forget it. 请把地址记下来,避免忘掉。

Taking notes is important

in class, but it is not necessary to {put down} every word the teacher says 课堂上记笔记很重要,但教师说的每一句话都不必记下来

The police {put down} his address and phone number in order to do further investigation. 警方记下了他的地址和电话号码以便进一步骤查。
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