
The topic of 主题is becoming more and more popular recently There are two sides of opinions about it Some people say A is their favorite They hold their view for the reason of 支持A的理由一What is more 理由二 Moreover 理由三


英语图表作文万能模板300字While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons Firstly支持B的理由一 Secondly besides理由二 Thirdly finally理由三


英语图表作文万能模板简单,As is shown by the figurepercentage in the tablepicture, has been on rise decrease, significantlydramatically risingdecreasing from in to in From the sharp risedecline in the chart, it goes without saying that


图表类英语作文万能模板,Form all what I have said I agree to the thought that 我对文章所讨论主题的看法


英语图表作文万能句子,Nowadays,there are more and more in It is estimated that Why have there been so many Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows


英语图表作文范文,英语图表作文的写法:图表题第一步是分析图表,其实就是简单的描述一下你所看到的内容,比如说它的数值升降,一般会用到up,down之类的描述性词语,背几个这样的词语就可以了。用一两句话描述完了现状,接着是套用模板,比如with the rapid development of the society more and more people…… 写出你的核心阐述我问题。就是提出观点。第二段基本是分析原因,开头可以写There are a lot of factors conturibute to the phenomenon ,首先,其次,最后等等。分析原因时,句子要有结构,让人看着一目了然,给阅卷者很好的印象,如果你语法不好,那就用最简单的句式,如果你单词不会写,那就想尽各种办法表达出你的意思,中间其实不是很重要,我个人单词就很差,但是我句式用的好,所以每次都高分。最后就是提出自己的观点了,这部分很重要,还是套用模板,但是不要有什么语法错误。其实作文大概就这样了,高分很好拿,只要你肯背模板。


图表作文模板英语四级,The topic of 主题is becoming more and more popular recently There are two sides of opinions about it Some people say A is their favorite They hold their view for the reason of 支持A的理由一What is more 理由二 Moreover 理由三


英语表格作文模板图片,Some people believe that 观点一 For example they think 举例说明And it will bring them 为他们带来的好处

All these measures will certainly reduce the number of

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