
attached表示“附加,连着,附送,附有”,如attached file附加文件,attached list附表,在邮件中就表示“附件”或者“附上XXX”,如you can find our company profile in the attachment或attached our our company profile(附件里是公司概况介绍);而比较正式,从法律的角度或口吻则用 enclose herewith XXX】


日语口语900句带读法Hotel Clerk I’m sorry about that I will change your room right away


常用日语1000句带读音,Hotel customer Great I’m on a business trip so an office is important to me


日语怎么说日常用语读法1000句,Isabel Please sign up before your next trip You can earn miles and get a free trip anywhere in the country


常用日语口语100句附发音, 住酒店之时,说“我是XXX,我住XXX房间”或“我是来自XXX房间的XXX”都用“I’m XXX from room XXX”这个表达。另,酒店房间号的读法:101读作“one O one” 112读作“one twelve”……,百位数不读出来,而是分开读。


常用日语1000句怎么读, 询问能帮什么忙除了How can I help you,还可以说(How) may I help you 或者文中的直接how can I help,但老师教的can I help you几乎不用。


日语常用语1000句口语, attached表示“附加,连着,附送,附有”,如attached file附加文件,attached list附表,在邮件中就表示“附件”或者“附上XXX”,如you can find our company profile in the attachment或attached our our company profile(附件里是公司概况介绍);而比较正式,从法律的角度或口吻则用 enclose herewith XXX】


日语口语900句带中文,Vicky I will do that today since I have another business trip at the end of the week

Donna Our company lets their employees use the free airline ticket for personal

日语口语900句带读法1你好(通用) kong ni qi wa2。原来是这样啊 sou dai si ka3不好意思si mi ma san4知道了 wa ka(促音)ta5 ?为什么 dou xi tai6 没关系 da yi jiao bu7 喂,喂(叫人或电话时用) mao xi mao xi8 怎么了 dou xi ta no9 可以吗 yi yi dai si ka10 无聊 ci ma ra na yi11 真厉害啊 si gao yi12 多多关照啊 yao lao xi ku nai13 真可爱呀ka wa yi yi dai si yao14 晚安 ou ya si mina sa yi15就这么说定了哦 ya ku sou ku xi ma si yao16请等一下 qiao(促音)tao ma 促音)tai nai17 不用了,够了 mao yi yi dai si18 我开动了哦(吃饭动筷子) yi ta da ki ma si19 谢谢 a li ga to gao za yi ma si20 不客气 dou yi ta xi ma xi tai21 我走了哦 yi(促音)tai ki ma si22欢迎光临 yi ra促音)xia yi ma sai23 真的吗 hong to ni24 早早上好 o ha yao gao za yi ma si25晚上好 kong bang wa26 再见 ma ta nai27 您还好吧 o gan ki dai si ka28 对不起 gao man na sa yi29 没什么 ma da ma da dai si30顽张加油啊 gang ba tai ku da sa yi

日语口语900句带读法 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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