
WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskThe diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industrySummarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevantWrite at least 150 words






雅思作文流程图怎么写,雅思写作包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 前一篇150字,后一篇250字。原则上建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟,因为后一篇文章分值更高。


雅思小作文流程图,Task 2 A类与G类非常类似,考生就考题的主题,用250字详加发表意见,通常考生被要求用几种方式之一来做为架构解决问题、表达自己的意见、支持或争辩考题所给予的讯息。


雅思小作文流程图分析思路及写作方法,第五天上午:复习雅思口语第二部分事件类话题,包括wedding、festival、happy event、party、trip等,达到流利背诵。


雅思流程图怎么写,听力和阅读最重要的是两点: 主动思考,根据上下文预测考点。 划关键词,帮助定位。以下是听力的一个大致流程: 快速读题、理解题意、预测考点、划出关键词。 听录音,写答案。在听录音的时候,也需要主动思考,根据录音内容预测考点。听力第四部分(3840题)难度较大,并非简单的填词题。解决办法:在做前三部分时多余的时间便用来看这最后一部分(3840题)。其他听力技巧:(1) 果断舍弃没听清楚没听明白的内容,确保紧跟录音节奏。因为很有可能在你独自回味刚才没听明白的地方时下一个考点又不知不觉过去了。(2) 如何快速读题:直接看句子的主谓宾主系表结构。(可能有同学会认为理解一个句子看其主谓结构就可以了,但是雅思听力读题我个人认为还是得看宾语或表语)(3) 第四部分,开始放录音后,把六成注意力放在录音上,留四成在题目上。阅读的大致顺序: 先看题,后看文章。看题并不是简单地浏览一下,而是理解题意、划出关键词,帮助定位。 逐行阅读:雅思阅读时间较充足,足够逐字逐句的阅读。因为文章都不难理解,读懂之后要选错不容易。口语方面要重视口语表达的连贯性和清晰度,以及使用语言的多样性和思路的逻辑性。


雅思大作文写法,WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskThe diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industrySummarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevantWrite at least 150 words


The diagram shows the process of The diagram shows the various stages in因此,针对上面的例题,开头写作如下:

上述例题的完整文章如下:The diagram shows the various stages in the production of bricks used in building industryIt is clear that there are mainly seven steps involved in this process beginning with the digging of clay to the delivery of bricks to construction sitesAt the beginning of the process clay is dug from the ground The clay is put through a metal grid and it passes onto a roller where it is mixed with sand and water After that the clay can be shaped into bricks in two ways either it is put in a mould or a wire cutter is usedAt the fourth stage in the process the clay bricks are placed in a drying oven for one to two days Next the bricks are heated in a kiln at a moderate temperature 200 900 degrees Celsius and then at a high temperature up to 1300 degrees before spending two to three days in a cooling chamber Finally the finished bricks are packaged and delivered

雅思写作流程图范文三文鱼大作文只要有感觉,3035分钟足够的,恰恰是小作文要重视,一切的规律和趋势一定要写完整。特别提示:因为作文的答题纸是4页的,所以要留意task 1和task 2的标题。还有,那条Examiner used only线和考生写作的线差不多,就是稍微粗一点,要注意,不要写上去了。

雅思写作流程图范文三文鱼 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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