
What is the graph (开头段)What are its most important features(第二段)What kind of significant details you can find (第三段和第四段)开头段:What is the graph?写一句话即可,基本上都是改写题干。具体针对流程图,套路都是一样的。可以使用如下句型:


雅思小作文折线图写作结构WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskThe diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industrySummarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevantWrite at least 150 words


雅思小作文折线图范文,这样一个训练量实在是不够的,所以,我建议任何人在备考之前,如果雅思写作想拿个7分以上,task 1amp 2至少要写上5篇以上,而且最好让人帮你修改优化,拿到修改后的版本,你再一一对照,有哪些句子不通顺,或上下文逻辑不一致


雅思小作文曲线图,The clay is put through a metal grid and it passes onto a roller where it is mixed with sand and water5学会将两个甚至更多的步骤用一句话表达


雅思折线图万能句型,The diagram shows the various stages in the production of bricks used in building industry具体如何写开头段,可以看看我昨天在头条上发布的一篇雅思小作文开头写作方法:


雅思小作文流程图分析思路及写作方法,IELTS Writing 雅思英语小作文开头段写作秘籍,秒杀一切小作文(httpswwwtoutiaocomi6540909377786741261)第二段话:What are its most important features第二段话总结流程图的主要特点。一般来说流程图的特点主要体现在两个方面:




雅思流程图小作文,上述例题的完整文章如下:The diagram shows the various stages in the production of bricks used in building industryIt is clear that there are mainly seven steps involved in this process beginning with the digging of clay to the delivery of bricks to construction sitesAt the beginning of the process clay is dug from the ground The clay is put through a metal grid and it passes onto a roller where it is mixed with sand and water After that the clay can be shaped into bricks in two ways either it is put in a mould or a wire cutter is usedAt the fourth stage in the process the clay bricks are placed in a drying oven for one to two days Next the bricks are heated in a kiln at a moderate temperature 200 900 degrees Celsius and then at a high temperature up to 1300 degrees before spending two to three days in a cooling chamber Finally the finished bricks are packaged and delivered

The first stage in the process is that…The next step is to do sth…The last step is In the next following last stageinitially to begin withfirstly next later then subsequently as soon as until following this before after once at the same time simultaneously during while when eventually finally



雅思小作文折线图写作结构 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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