




国内比较好的杂志,  榜样是以别人的好思想好行为来影响和教育子女的重要方式。如同学、邻居、教师、英雄模范人物、文艺作品中的正面人物、革命领袖的优秀品质,都是子女学习、模仿的对象。不管家长的言行是错误的还是正确的,对子女都有十分深刻的影响。因此,家长在日常生活中应时时刻刻、处处检点自己的言行。




中国好的杂志社,如果没下定决心,我觉得就不要学,因为 性价比低。学好英语需要的时间,可以学好两个技能。但如果已经下定决心学了,每天就要花大量时间去学,不要每天5分钟或10分钟的骗人,十几年下来骗了自己,啥也没学好。我是挺讨厌别人说学了多少年英语的,我想问学了多少小时,尤其是自学时间多少小时。很多人除了上课跟着老师学,下课完成作业,或有的人作业都不去完成。从小学都大学毕业,号称学了十几年英语。这不是上坟烧报纸,糊弄鬼吗?




中国最好的期刊杂志,海绵宝宝陈浩 蟹老板白涛13季 张瑶涵46季 派大星孙悦斌 珊迪张璐 章鱼哥李易 痞老板贾小军 泡芙老师郑建初 郭政建、陈鑫、唐子文、薄祖光


中国十大杂志,ABCDEF are good friends They are talking about where to go on the weekends ABCDEF是六个好朋友, 他们在商量周末去哪里玩。

牛津树,是针对学龄前及小学孩子培养阅读兴趣的寓教于乐的阅读教材,超过80的英国小学都把它作为英语分级读物和英语母语学习材料。 且牛津树是分级读物,不同年龄段有相对应的级别。低级别的容易一些,高级别的就会难一些,需要有一定的英语基础了。

第一节 少儿声乐课 很重要 要和小朋友交谈 比如说:衣服好漂亮,头发谁给你打理的?等等轻松开心的话题,先交朋友再上课,不要太多学术上得东西,更多的是开心快乐的唱歌,让孩子主动开口唱,比如说:“你会唱什么歌啊”多夸夸孩子,调不准就夸声音好,声音不好就夸调准,两样都不好就夸有表演才能,总之要夸,家长高兴 孩子也高兴,第一节课就成功了!

中国好的杂志The Story of the Three Little Pigs旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs and as she had not enough to keep them she sent them out to seek their fortune妈妈:Goodbyekidsbuild your own housebut be careful of the wolf三只小猪:goodbyemum旁白:three pigs leaved their motherafter a while they met a man with a bundle of strawPig one “Please grandpa give me that straw to build me a house稻草爷爷:the house will be beautifulbut it easy to be broken down by windPig onenever mindonly for live稻草爷爷:it’s okhere you are旁白:Which the man did and the little pig built a house with itthen he went into his housesaid happilyPig onehahanow the wolf can’t catch me and eat me旁白:pig one falled asleep in his housethen pig two met a man with a bundle of sticksPig two Please man give me that sticks to build a house旁白: Which the man did and the pig built his housepig three knew the house is not strong,but it is easy to doso he lived in the housepig three keep goingThe third little pig met a man with a load of bricksPig threePlease man give me those bricks to build a house with旁白:So the man gave him the bricks and he built his beautiful house with themPig threeokmy house is so hardi mustn’t scare of the wolf旁白:Presently came along a wolf he knocked at the pigone’s door狼: Little pig little pig let me come inpigone answered No no go awayThe wolf Then Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill blow your house in旁白:So he huffed and he puffed and he blew his house in。 pig one is scaredfortunetely he run away to the pig two’s housePig oneI’m regretful that I didn’t listen to the grandpa旁白:Then along came the wolf。He is shoutingWolf Little pig little pig let me come inPig one and twoNo no go awayWolfit’s very easysticks is not strongThen Ill puff and Ill huff and Ill blow your house in旁白:So he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and he huffed and at last he blew the house down luckily the little two pigs run away to pig three’s housethey are scaredbut pig three seemed not to be afraid旁白:the wolf came as he did to the other little pigs。WolfLittle pig little pig open the doorThreepigsNo no you are the wolfgo awayWolfThen Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill blow your house in旁白:Well he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and huffed but he could not get the house down When he found that he could not with all his huffing and puffing blow the house down。Wolf Little pig I know where there is a nice field of turnipsThree pigsWhereWolfOh in Mr Smiths home field and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you and we will go together and get some for dinnerThree pigsVery wellI will be ready What time do you mean to goWolfOh at six oclock旁白:Well the little pig got up at five and got the turnips before the wolf came。At 6 o’clockthe wolf cameWolf Little pig are you readyThe little pig said Ready I have been and come back again and got a nice potful for dinner旁白:Then the wolf was very angry indeed and declared he would eat up the little pig。Wolfyou three little pigs I wanna eat youi will get down your chimneyand eat you旁白:When the little pigs saw what he was about they hung on the pot full of water and made up a blazing fire and just as the wolf was coming down took off the cover and in fell the wolf so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant The wolf died they lived happily ever afterwardsThree pigssing a song

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