
what we have now is sufficient for the amount of students that use thelibrary


托福口语答案it’s a great place to study I go there a lot I’ll read a book or bring my laptopcomputer and work on a paper for class We even study for our final exams there and you can eat there whileyou work


托福口语答案参考,woman Well I don’t think he’s been there recently I mean it’s true that it wasnt that greatin the past but I think it’s a lot better now




托福口语答案模板,woman Yeah that’s what we could really use There’s just not as much need to work inisolation




托福口语答案2016年9月6日,If the university is going to make somechanges to improve students’ life which do you think universityshould change and why


托福口语真题答案,Inaddition many students like to come to the university’s cafeteriato read bookswork on their projects or get togetherand chat with their friendsso the place should be large enough to hold as many students aspossible Atleast we hopenot to have trouble finding a seat in there

Ithink the university should make some changes on the campuscafeteria especially the food therebecause itwill be good for students’health For example the foodin my university’s cafeteria is actually not very good We havecomplaint many times that the meat is often dry and there are too fewvegetables served for students I think they do needto add healthful foods andsnacks

Withthis change we won’t have anywhere in the library to get together to work on group projectsAnd that would reduce any noise in the main library areas

托福口语答案Ipropose that the university close the campus coffeehouseCoffeehouses are great if people actually use them like tosocialize with friends while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snackBut students are not using our campus coffeehouse There are usuallylots of empty tables when I p ass by the place It’s just a wasteof space that could be used for other things Also the food at thecoffeehouse is not very good The last time I was there the cakesand muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have muchflavor SincerelyGreg Smith

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