
3 What do you do when you have some free time and youre at homeI usually sit and watch some TV or a film or I listen to some music I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice


雅思口语好的决定4 Tell me something else about your houseThe previous owners converted the loft into an extra bedroom thats the quietest room in the house and the best place to go to do some work


雅思口语重要的决定,另外我们一定要注意词汇评分标准准出现的一个术语叫做paraphrase,这个词是转译的意思。这一点也是我们要高度重视的,5分在转译时,总会出现一些问题,而6分基本上可以成功转译,这就是这两个分数的区别。那么什么叫做转译用英文解释就是to write or say something by using different words用不同的话表达相同的意思。所以关于这一点的评分标准我给大家的建议就是不要老是使用同一个词或者短语去表达。比如前面在描述很漂亮的时候,我用了attractive下面如果还想表达这个意思,我就用gorgeous或者charming等来代替。


雅思口语好消息,第二种回答方式是 Firstly secondly finally 的方式,在询问你原因之类的问题的时候,你可以先说有三种原因,即便你没想好有哪三种,反正先给个逻辑出来,然后再一二三地接你的话,你的回答会非常的完整。


雅思口语如何提升,I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside Then when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time


雅思口语第一个考的优缺点,其实这是一句“套路话”。一开始的时候你可以准备那么一两句话作为开场白,你可以讲的很顺,然后自然而然地引出话题。上面的这个格式是 ok 的,或者说用 When it comes to this topic I would like to talk about 之类的套路。


雅思口语是不是很难?,answer Yes there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking explain I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular and they must be very profitable example A good example is Who wants to be a millionaire which has been sold to TV channels across the world alternative Personally Im not a fan of game shows and Id much rather watch a film or an original drama series


雅思口语考什么,3 What do you do when you have some free time and youre at homeI usually sit and watch some TV or a film or I listen to some music I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice

1 How much time do you spend at homeObviously I sleep at home but I dont spend very much time at home during the day because Im usually busy with work

3 Is there anything about your house that you would like to changeWell it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours

利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。

雅思口语好的决定Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays Why

雅思口语好的决定 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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