
5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know




雅思阅读题型,回答问题是根据所给文章或图表回答问题。这种题目是考察考生对信息的筛选和提取能力,比如在IELTS阅读测试中通常是用下列单词提问: what、which、when、where、who、whose、whom、why、 how 等。除了利用上述单词进行提问外,有时会在答题指引中将所提问题列出。


雅思阅读文章分类,而“段落标题配对题”正好需要我们掌握段落的大意。由此可见,我们是可以通过查看段落的Topic Sentence来直接答题的。


雅思阅读分类题型,2段中第二句话在这种情况下,第一句话往往是引出本段落要讨论的话题。在下面的段落中,第一句话引出“topic sentence”这一话题,第二句话为中心句。


雅思阅读分类题型讲解,This is not the only place the topic sentence can go however Many times the topic of a paragraph may be introduced after a transitional sentence 中心句 The transitional sentence guides the reader through a shift in thought pointing back to the previous idea and forward to a new one That new idea becomes the topic sentence of the new paragraph and is followed as before by supporting and clarifying details


雅思阅读考试题型,5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know




雅思阅读分类题该题型还涉及到:not given not mentioned没有提到,有时还会出现下列提法accurat inaccurat 精确不精确supported contradicted 一致不一致。 correct incorrect 正确与不正确。辨别正误题型属于难度较大的题型。通常在阅读测试中的第三或第四部分出现。

雅思阅读分类题 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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