


雅思听力机经词汇马玲玲电子书 捷克作家米兰昆德拉写了一部畅销名著《生命不能承受之轻》。这本书解释了这个问题,这本小说通过描写一个外科医生托马斯与特丽莎、萨丽娜之间的感情生活,来探讨生与死,轻与重,灵与肉等系列哲学道理;剖示了隐密的无情;探讨了爱的真谛,人生的陷阱,揭示了人生的意义,拨开重重迷雾。本书是当代小说,写的是1968苏俄入侵捷克时期,改革气息变成专横压榨之风潮,离我们并不远,并符合一些情形……。


雅思听力机经词汇pdf,因为中国古代的诗文在翻译的时候有很大的难度,也很难把意境翻译到位,所以《木兰诗》的英文版本各不相同,有关这一首诗歌的英文版举例如下: One sigh after another Mulan sat opposite the door weaving But no sound of the shuttle was heard Except the sighs of the girll When asked what she was pondering over When asked what she had called to mind Nothing special the girl was pondering over Nothing special the girl had called to mind Last night I saw the draft dispatch The Khan is mustering a mighty army The rosther consists of many muster rolls And every roll has Fathers name on it Father has no grown son Nor Mulan an elder brother I want to buy a saddle and a horse And from now on fight in place of my father In the eastern market she bought a fine steed In the western market a saddle and a pad In the southern market a bridle In the norhtern market a long whip At daybreak she bid farewell to her parents At sunset she bivouacked by the Yellow River What met her ear was no longer her parents call But the gurgles and splashes of the rushing waters At daybreak she left the Yellow River At sunset she arrived at the top of the Black Hill What met her ear was no longer her parents call But the Hu horses neighing in the Yanshan Mountains On the expedition of thousands of miles to the war She dashed across mountains and passes as if in flight In the chilly northern air night watches clanged In the frosty moonlight armour glishened Generals laid down their lives in a hundred battles And valiant soldiers returned after ten years service When she returned to an audience with the Son of Heaven The Son of Heaven st in the Hall of Brightness A promotion of many ranks was granted her for her merits With a reward that amounted to thousands of strings of cash The Khan asked Mulan what she desired to do I dont need any high official position Please lend me a sturdy camel that is fleet of foot And send me bank to my hometown When her parents heard their daughter was coming They walked out of the town each helping the other When her elder sister heard the younger sister was coming She decked herself out in her best by the door When her younger brother heard his elder sister was coming He whetted a knife and aimed it at a pig and a sheep I opened the door of my east chamber And then sat down on the bed in my west chamber Taking off the armour worn in wartime I attired myself in my apparel of former times By the window I combed and coiffed my cloudy hair Before the mirror I adorned my forehead with a yellow pattern When she came out to meet her battle companions They were all astounded and thrown into bewilderment Together they had been in the army for a dozen years or so Yet none had ever known that Mulan was actually a girl The male rabbit kicks its fluffy feet as it scampers The eyes of female rabbit are blurred by fluffy tufts of hair But when they run side by side in the field You can hardly tell the doe from the buck 、补充介绍这首诗的原文: 木兰诗 作者:郭茂倩 宋代 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,惟闻女叹息。 问女何所思,问女何所忆。女亦无所思,女亦无所忆。 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。 阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。 旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。 旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头,不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。 将军百战死,壮士十年归。归来见天子,天子坐明堂。 策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎, 愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将; 阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。 当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙: 同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离; 双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌?








雅思哥听力机经,恐龙战队,是布莱恩斯帕塞执导的一部科幻动作片,讲述维持和平保护地球的恐龙战队,这次要面对的是邪恶的怪物和一心征服全人类的大魔头。连番激战在所难免,内容还是离开不了原有科幻片的固有的模式,但本片在特技处理方面还是别具一格的。恐龙战队分为日版和美版,美版战队POWER RANGERS系列开山之作,该片是由美国SABAN公司1993年向日本东映公司买下该公司的《超级战队系列》的海外改编版权后而来。






雅思听力机经词汇马玲玲电子书 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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