
I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside Then when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time




雅思口语思路拓展,answer Yes there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking explain I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular and they must be very profitable example A good example is Who wants to be a millionaire which has been sold to TV channels across the world alternative Personally Im not a fan of game shows and Id much rather watch a film or an original drama series


雅思口语思路拓展的书籍,3 Is there anything about your house that you would like to change Well it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours


雅思口语思路混乱,4 Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the futureNo not really I get bored if Im at home for too long In the future I imagine Ill still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors


雅思口语答题思路,2 Which room do you like most in your house Why My favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden and its on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun




雅思口语攻略,I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside Then when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time

Part 3套路:逻辑Idea explain example 的表达法 —— Start with a direct answer to the question like the topic sentence in a written paragraph Then explain your answer in more detail and support your explanation with an example

Part 2套路:话唠首先,引用 simon 老师的一句话:Focus on ideas vocabulary This is your best chance to impress the examiner with some nice language especially if youve prepared for common topics in the way I suggest in my video lessons


雅思口语思路answer Yes there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking explain I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular and they must be very profitable example A good example is Who wants to be a millionaire which has been sold to TV channels across the world alternative Personally Im not a fan of game shows and Id much rather watch a film or an original drama series

雅思口语思路 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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