
把自己的情绪描述得很详细,有明确的先后的过程,有 because 之类的解释,有对复杂情感的交织的描述,有用词组 a sense of panic 来替代 I feel 的简单表达。


健康文章雅思口语首先,引用 simon 老师的一句话:Focus on ideas vocabulary This is your best chance to impress the examiner with some nice language especially if youve prepared for common topics in the way I suggest in my video lessons




健康文章雅思口语part3,It was a Monday morning about five years ago A group of us had to catch an early flight and a senior member of our department had volunteered to drive us to the airport I was supposed to be ready and waiting to be picked up from my home at 530am and my colleague had asked me to look out for his car so that he didn’t have to ring my doorbell The problem was that I overslept I had set my alarm but somehow I must have turned it off and carried on sleeping Suddenly at 530am my doorbell rang and I looked over at my alarm clock I immediately realised what had happened and I sprang out of bed and got dressed in record time I splashed some water on my face quickly brushed my teeth and put my shoes on without properly tying the laces Then I picked up my suitcase and coat and left the house


健康文章雅思口语素材,4 Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the future No not really I get bored if Im at home for too long In the future I imagine Ill still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors


健康文章雅思口语part2老烤鸭,第二种回答方式是 Firstly secondly finally 的方式,在询问你原因之类的问题的时候,你可以先说有三种原因,即便你没想好有哪三种,反正先给个逻辑出来,然后再一二三地接你的话,你的回答会非常的完整。


关于健康的文章雅思口语,把自己的情绪描述得很详细,有明确的先后的过程,有 because 之类的解释,有对复杂情感的交织的描述,有用词组 a sense of panic 来替代 I feel 的简单表达。


雅思口语health,3 Is there anything about your house that you would like to change Well it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours

4 Tell me something else about your house The previous owners converted the loft into an extra bedroom thats the quietest room in the house and the best place to go to do some work


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