
  1. There must be something wrong. 一定有什么东西弄错了。

  2. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们渴望的时刻终于到了。

  3. Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。

  4. Not a finger did I lay on him. 我

  5. There must be something wrong. 一定有什么东西弄错了。

  6. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们渴望的时刻终于到了。

  7. Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。

  8. Not a finger did I lay on him. 我从没有指责过他。

  9. Never had I had any experience like that. 我从没有经


  10. Well do I remember the day when it happened. 我清楚地记得事情发生的那一天。

  11. Enclosed are some pictures I’ve just taken. (随信)附上几张近照。

  12. Don’t let go the rope. 抓牢绳子,别松手。

  13. I would not let drop a word. 我决不说一个字。


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