Why do many people still like to read newspapers ?
Describe a piece of good news
总结了下, 有这么几个原因:
1. 看报纸不上眼睛
2. 不会有广告的骚扰
3. 报纸的头版很精彩,都是主编精心安排的新闻
4. 一家人一起看报纸可以是很快乐的事情
1. Newspaper is easy on the eyes compared to the iPad and Kindle.
2. You don't have advertisements flickering or popping up. Newspaper is less distracting than reading from a webpage.
3. The newspaper editors prioritize the organization given the limited space. In the web, we usually get an information deluge that will push the prioritization to us.
4. In some families, reading newspaper is a family activity. Take mine for an example , my parents and I love the daily morning ritual of browsing through some newspapers with a cup of coffee.
1. newspaper is easy on the eyes compared to the iPad and Kindle:相对于ipad和kindle阅读器来说,读传统的报纸对眼睛比较好
2. you don't have advertisements flickering or popping up:看报纸的时候(不会像看网站的时候)受到弹出的广告的骚扰
3. newspaper is less distracting:新闻报纸不会有太多的东西来分散注意力
4. the newspaper editors prioritize the organization given the limited space:报纸的主编会因为版面的限制而在版面上凸显优先级(把重要的新闻放在头版)
5. reading newspaper is a family activity:读报纸可以是一个家庭活动
6. browsing through some newspapers:游览一些报纸