此贴为2018年3月24-3月30期的《新科学家》(New scientist)杂志pdf。
![新科学家12-1.jpg 新科学家12-1.jpg](data/attachment/forum/201804/08/113149gttv4t1czkh1zhoo.jpg)
我们为什么要看《新科学家》(New Scientist):英语四六级、托福/雅思、SAT阅读的题源,10篇雅思阅读题就有2篇出自它!杂志经常刊登一些评论,比如气候变化等环境问题,这类杂志内容很有可能出现在阅读自然科学类文章。英语阅读界,《新科学家》简直是一本神奇的书。尽管New Scientist被称作英语考试阅读题源,但是阅读真正的目的并不是押题,而是得到思维逻辑、文化语境的训练,同时也为高强度阅读与写作学习打下坚实基础。先阅读,才能有理解。每天浏览一篇文章,日积月累下就会有惊人收获!
![新科学家12-2.jpg 新科学家12-2.jpg](data/attachment/forum/201804/08/113148w7occw3nwgnq3h27.jpg)
(一)Goodbye, and thank you(Section: Leaders, Page 5)
Stephen Hawking was a brilliant ambassador for science.当那一天到来的时候,很多人都不相信。THE death of Stephen Hawking has not just deprived the world of a great scientist, it has also deprived science of a highly effective ambassador to the non-scientific world.他的流行写作使得大众可以接触的复杂的宇宙学,并激励无数人研究科学。
(二)Land animals can’t resist the call of the sea(Section: News, Page 9)
THE first animals that evolved to live exclusively on land did it about 370 million years ago – but on dozens of occasions since, land animals have gone back to exploiting the seas. That might be because the shallow seas around continents are so full of food that they proved irresistible.许多陆生栖息物种都会出海吃海食物:海鸟就是一个例子。人类也大规模地开采海洋。“我们绝对是海洋生物,我们也是陆生动物,但很明显,从生态学上讲,海洋对于我们非常重要。“
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 3.17~3.23期
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 3.10~3.16期