此贴为2018年1月27-2月3期的《新科学家》(New scientist)杂志pdf。
(一)Stellar blasts that could cook up life(Section: News, Page 12)
古语云,置之死地而后生,宇宙起源于一场大爆炸,而谁也不知道,在这场爆炸中竟然出现了生命,一个哈佛的研究团队发现,PLANETS blasted with stellar flares could be delicately balanced between nurturing life and killing it off.爆炸存在两面性,也是一把双刃剑“UV blasts can seed life. But if a planet already has life, they can kill it. It’s a double-edged sword”
(二)What makes your job so stressful(Section: News, Page 10)
压力是大城市的通病,工作压力极大时,也会影响到身体健康。在这次研究中,根据cortisol含量,来判断压力的大小。而从同事和老板那里得到的支持程度决定了一个工作是多么的有压力。当然工作压力也与一个人投入工作的努力与他们获得多少奖励相关,“Employees should be able to see that their input is worth something” 。
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 1.20-1.26期
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 1.13~1.19期
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 1.6~1.13期