[托福阅读]托福阅读词汇“An unknown goddess”

  Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of AyiaIrini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses – often three storeys high – were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.

  The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood (was) three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.

  1.explore 探索: To search for discovery; examine


  explode 爆炸

  exploit 开发,利用

  expedite 加速,迅速的

  expedition 探险


  explore outer space 太空勘探

  explore every possibilities 系统地研究每一个可能性

  explore ancient temple 考察古庙

  The archaeologists are exploring the cave.

  2.prosperous 繁荣的(修饰经济)

  successful or thriving, esp. financially


  wealth 富有的

  flourishing 兴旺的,繁茂的

  thriving 兴隆的

  booming 火的迅猛发展的

  adequate 充足的


  Our finance is prosperous.我们的经济是繁荣的。

  a prosperous new business 一家成功的新公司

  a prosperous family 富裕的一家

  a prosperous moment to make a decision 做决定的有利时机

  3.civilization 文明

  常用词组:enjoys a high level of civilization 享有高度的文明

  4.worship 崇拜(非理性的): admire; respect

  admire 敬佩

  respect 尊敬

  warship 军舰战船


  Who do you worship in the world?

  5.sacred 宗教的,神圣的(可修释职业)是指献给上帝或神的事物,因为是神圣的,不容亵渎,指普遍视为神圣不可侵犯的东西



  a divine punishment.上天的惩罚

  expect to divine the future




  solemn 庄严的,庄重的

  holy神圣的,圣洁的与sacred 替换


  sacred music圣乐

  sacred promise神圣的诺言

  6.classic adj.精典的,第一流 n.杰作,经典之作



  eg. classical music古典音乐

  classical education人文科学教育

  This is the classic example of love at the first sight.


  build /put up (实体的)建设

  erect: (build high buildings) 侧重对高而垂直的东西建造,不如build广泛

  eg. erect monument 建造纪念碑

  erect clock tower建造钟楼

  set up : set up a union 建造,侧重于开始

  establish: establish a school 侧重稳固的建成,有“建立”的意思,建立学校体系等

  found: found a country 侧重于建好基础,具体抽象皆可


  construction of socialism社会主义建设

  construct a sentence

  construct a broken statuary

  8. rest … on 搭在…上

  eg. Her eyes rest on the picture.

  rest with +sb由某人决定

  eg. This great decision rests with your mother.

  9. hip n.[口]在服用兴奋剂,宗教信仰方面赶时髦的人;消息灵通人士;



  Mary is a real hip.

  The guy isn’t a hip.那个家伙什么都不懂.


  Joined at the hip [口]交情极厚的

  eg.This two are joined at the hip.

  Shoot from the hip信口开河

  eg. Sorry,I said that I shouldn’t have shot from the hip.

  10.graceful 优雅的(修饰长相体态)


  Elegant 优雅的(修饰举止behavior)

  gentle 温柔的

  naive 可爱的

  tender: Someone or something that is tender expresses gentle and cari

ng feelings

  Tender is the night 夜色温柔菲茨杰拉德

  菲茨杰拉德(F.Scott Fitzgerald)(1896——1940),著名美国小说家。从1920年开始创作,以《人间天堂》一举成名。他的小说生动地反映了20年代“美国梦”的破灭,展示了大萧条时期美国上层社会“荒原时代”的精神面貌。直到1944年去世时,他仍在创作《最后一个大亨》。在他有限的创作生涯里,推出了包括《人间天堂》《伟大的盖茨比》《夜色温柔》等多部长篇小说和150篇 短篇小说。



  1.They have tried their best to protect the _______ of the city wall.

  a. remains b. remain c.remainder

  remains 废墟;遗迹;遗体。此词必须用复数形式,但其动词有时可以用单数形式。

  Eg. The remains of the supper were/was taken away.

  2.________ his great age, the old man still helps the family at harvest time.

  a. Although b. Despite c. In spite

  Although + 从句;

  Despite + 名词短语

  In spite of 才为常用短语,后接名次短语

  3. People used to go to Canterbury to _____ the saints there.

  a. warship b. love c. worship

  主要区别 warship和worship

  4. She looks so ______ that she won the heart of the young man at once.

  a. grace b. graceful c.disgraced

  grace 为名词,优美, 雅致, 优雅

  disgraced:dis表示否定的,表示耻辱, 失宠, 丢脸的人(或事);玷污

  5. In the most______ room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.

  A .holy b. religious c frightening

  holy adj.神圣的, 圣洁的n.神圣的东西

  religious adj.信奉宗教的, 虔诚的, 宗教上的, 修道的, 严谨的n.僧侣, 尼姑, 修道士

  frightening adj.令人恐惧的, 引起突然惊恐的

  6. The city had once known ______, for it enjoy a high level of civilization.

  a. a prosperity b. the prosperity c. prosperity


  7.The head was carefully preserved .It was ______.

  a. conserved b. maintained c. in good condition

  conserve 节省、节约

  maintain 维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张

  in good condition 情况良好,与题干was carefully preserved (被精心地保护)在语意上衔接


  1. stand 矗立,站立,忍受

  There stands…

  2. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.

  This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved.

  1): must 的推测用法及其他情态动词的推测用法

  over one hundred people must have been driven away by the noise, I am one of the few people left.

  he must have been there with someone that we don’t know.

  2); for: 表达解释原因,补充说明主句的原因。

  如果再建些伸出海面的高大的烟囱状通风管, 隧道就具备了良好的通风条件。


  because, as, since, for, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that), in that

  as意为“因为、由于”,语气比because弱,所引导的从句表示的是不言而喻、显而易见的原因和理由,其从句一般放在主句前As it was late , we came back soon.


  Since you can't answer the question, I'll ask someone else.

  3. She stood (was) three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.


  When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest


  As she spoke, her eyes rested on her husband's face.

  4. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.

  1) turn out 证明是= prove + n. / adj. / to be


  2) it turned out that + 从句


  3) as it turned out…后来人们发现


discovery, explored, 托福阅读, island, system

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