
譬如说动词和名词的搭配,raise awareness, adopt measures, take steps, adopt approaches.
也可以是动词词组的搭配,Give a green light to, deepen one’s understanding of, pave the way for.
可以是形容词和名词的搭配,譬如说 compelling reason, ample evidence, harsh punishment.
也可以是名词词组,譬如说environmental awareness, coverage of crime, health effect
也可以是介宾短语的搭配,譬如说 in the media, on the internet, on television, in newspapers.
也可以是表示某个特定意思的习惯搭配,譬如说: lead a fulfilling life, close the rich/poor gap, discriminate between right and wrong.:have a higher chance of developing cance
r, fail to achieve work-life balance 学习词伙主要的目的就是避免学生自己创造词组搭配譬如说improve the problem.(应该是solve the problem or improve the situation)。
或者是避免中式英文的直接翻译,譬如说接触暴力,很多人会写成,contact with violence,但是比较好的表达是exposure to violence;譬如说针对儿童的广告,有人喜欢写成advertisements about children,但是比较好的表达是advertisements aimed at children.

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