
  英文面试常见问题,让我们一起来看看吧!  1.what is important to you in a job?  一份工作中什么对你来说是重要的?  a.mention

specific rewards other than a paycheck.for example,challenge,the feeling of accomplishment,and knowing that you have made a contribution.  主要谈及自己对公司的贡献,所达到的成就。  2.why do you want to work for this organization?  你为什么想要为这个机构工作?  a.because its reputation,the opportunities it offers,and the working conditions.stress that you want to work for this organization,not just any organization.  因为这个机构的名声,他所能给求职者提供的机会,还有工作环境。(回答时强调自己想要问这个机构工作)  3.why should we employ you?  我们为什么雇佣你?  a.point to your academic preparation,job skills,and enthusiasm about working for the firm.mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly.if the job involves management responsibilities,refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team.  这里要指出自己

的学术成就,专业技能,为这个公司工作的热情。(回答时要提到自己具备的优势,能在公司了里扮演的角色和贡献的力量)  4.if we employ you,how long will you stay with us?  如果我们雇佣你,你会在这里待多久?  a.as long as my position here,allowing me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities.  只要我在这里的位置让我能够学习并且能够以一种与我能力相称的速度进步的话,我会一直呆在这里。  5.what are your greatest strengths?  你的最有利的优势是什么?  a.i can see what needs to be done and do it.”  我明白需要做的并完成它。  b.i’m wiling to make decisions.”  我倾向于做决定。  c.i work well with others.”  我可以很好的和其他人一起搭档工作。  d.  我能有效的管理我的时间。  更多英语相关内容,欢迎大家关注我哦!
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