
  跟随我来学习培训,今日就要我们一起来看一下商务文本翻译的方式和方法。商务文本翻译的方式和方法(一)转换1. 词性的转换 1)形容词和专有名词转换

  (1)We regret to inform you that the result of examination was the emergence of disagreement between the shipment and the bill of lading.(缺憾地通告你方,查验的結果是出現了运输的货品与提货单不一致的状况。)

  (2)Until the publication or public announcement of a patent application, staff members of the Patent Office and persons involved shall have the duty to keep the contents of the patent application confidential.(在申请专利发布或公示以前,商标局的工作员及相关工作人员对其內容承担信息保密责任。)2)专有名词和修饰词或介词转换

  (1)The fair price connected with the superiority of varieties of our products will be able to guarantee our competitive edge in the international market.(己方各种产品报价公平公正,质量优质,可以保证在国外市场的核心竞争力。)

  (2)We find difficulty in raising a great number of funds when the government executes the tight money policy.(当政府部门推行缩紧资金面现行政策时,大家感觉无法筹资很多资产。)3)介词和修饰词转换

  (1)如合同书一方实际性违背合同规定或其项下的阐述与确保,另一方可解除合同,并向违约方明确提出理赔。(If either party commits any material breach of this Contract or its representations and warranties, the other party may terminate this Contract and file a claim against the breaching party.)

  (2)招标方务必真正、详细地为刑事辩护律师描述案件、出示直接证据。在接纳授权委托后,如发觉招标方歪曲事实、徇私舞弊,承包方有权利停止代理商,依合同规定所收费标准用未予退回。(The statement made and proofs provided by Party A shall be true and complete. Where Party A is founded fabricating fact, Party B is free to terminate this Agreement and retain payment already collected from Party A according to this Agreement.)4)介词转换为形容词

  Preference shareholders are entitled to a priority in the assets if the company is wound up.(假如企业被散伙,优先选择公司股东有优先选择分到公司资产的支配权。)2. 词意的转换


  (1)Each Party shall have the right to change its legal or authorized representative and shall promptly notify the other Party of such change and the name, position and nationality of its new legal or authorized representative.(彼此有权利更换其分别的法人代表或法定代理人,并应将新法人代表或法定代理人的名字、岗位和国藉立即通告另一方。)剖析:原文中的“change”的本意为“转变”,但以便合乎中文的表述习惯性,将它译成“更换”。

  (2)The Company may establish branch offices inside China and overseas with the consent of the Board and approval from the relevant governmental authorities.(合伙企业经章程修正案并经相关政府部门准许可在世界各国创立子公司。) 剖析:原文中“consent”本意为“愿意”,但以便中文商务語言的表述习惯性,在译文里将其汉语翻译为“决定”。3. 句式的转换肯定句和否定句的转换。

  (1)They were very few, fewer than at the last meeting of the board of directors. The chairman didn’t say much at the meeting, but every word was to the point.(她们沒有好多个人来会,比股东会之前到会的人也要少。老总在大会上讲话很少,但每句都很诚恳。)

  (2)It is not rarely that they collect the feedback information of their products directly from the market from all angles.(她们经常从各种各样视角搜集销售市场立即意见反馈的商品信息。)4. 语态的转换

  (1)Everything possible has been done to save their enterprise and to carry on the entire reform of their management and control.(她们已采用了一切很有可能的对策,便于拯救她们的公司,并对她们的运营管理开展完全的改革创新。)

  (2)Confidential Information must be kept by the receiving Party in a secure place with access only to both Parties employees or agents.(保密信息的接受方务必将其储放在安全性地区,只限合同书彼此聘员、委托人了解。)
