


  221.Ridiculous! I'd take it for 50 yuan.太荒谬了!(太贵了)如果50块我就买。

  222.I'd buy this if it were cheaper。再划算一点我就买。

  223.Even if an article of clothing is very cute, but still seems overpriced for the fabric quality -- it is. 虽然一件衣服非常可爱,但是也能使得她的纤维材质而感到价格降低。

  224.I like everything about it except the price。这东西除了价钱之外我又偏爱。

  225.If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount?多买一点有折扣吗?

  226.I'm going to shopping, because I need clothes 我想到购物,因为我需要衣服。

  227.If this shirt doesn't fit,may I bring it back later? 如果这件外套不合身,我可以把她带回家吗?

  228.What size shoes do you wear? 你戴什么尺码的衣服?

  229.That suit looks perfect for you.那套服装看起来很合适你。

  230.This dress is made of silk,isn't it? 这件服装是用真丝制成的,是吗?

  231.She a阿卡索ed the shopkeeper if she could try the sweater on. 她问老板她能否想试穿一下那件绒衣。

  232.Where people once dreamed of buying a new car, they now dream of buying a luxury model. 人们过去其实需要一辆车子英语培训机构,现在人们需要一辆豪华车。

  233.What's the price of that washing machine?洗衣机多少钱?

  234.How much is this blanket? 这个毛毯多少钱?

  235.Do you sell this towel today?今天出售这些毛巾吗?

  236.This leather purse is beautiful, but it's too expensive这个皮革钱包很漂亮,但很贵了。

  237.Tell me what I owe you and I'll settle up.告诉我我欠你好多钱,我能付清的。

  238.That will be twenty dollars and seventy cents.这是20美元70美分。

  239.Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill?你有20美元零钱吗?

  240.The clerk helped me find what I wanted.店员帮我找到了我需要的东西。



  241.I enjoy eating very much.我是十分偏爱吃。

  242.What were you just doing?你今天在做哪些?

  243.What are you doing just now?你今天在做哪些?

  244.I was doing my exercise,it is called Tai Chi.我在作健身,它叫做太极拳。

  245.You should try it,too.你也需要试试看。

  246.I didn't know you did yoga.我不知道你能瑜珈。

  247.You should try it.你需要试试。

  248.We should get together more and have a nice chant.我们需要多聚一聚,好好谈—聊。

  249.Swimming is not my cup of tea.游泳不是我的最爱。

  250.A healthy hobby makes one relaxed and brings happiness健康的爱好使人轻松,帶来快乐。

  251.I spend a lot of time on my hobby.我花了这些时间在我的兴趣爱好里。

  252.Too much absorbed in one's hobby and neglecting work are not good.过度沉迷于自己的喜好而忽略工作是不好的。

  253.I've always been interested in bungee jumping.我一向对蹦极很感兴趣。

  254.Growing flowers is one of my favorite pastimes.养花是我最喜欢的消遣之一。

  255.I love modern dance, and it always makes me feel full of vitality.我最喜欢跳舞,它总是让我觉得充满活力。

  256.What do you like doing in your spare time?你喜欢在业余时间作哪些?

  257.What do you do when you are not working?你不工作的之后作哪些?

  258.What do you like to do in your spare time?在业余时间你喜欢作哪些?

  259.How do you entertain yourself after work?下班之后你有多大娱乐活动?

  260.That's really interesting. What other hobbies do you have that I don't know about?真是太有趣了。你也有其它哪个我不知道的兴趣爱好吗?
