
  Crack-of-dawn conference calls, breakfast meetings, or even the fact that the office coffee maker is always turned off by noon are just a few examples of how the work world really is designed for early risers. You know the type–those perky folks who leap out of bed with the sun and begin winding down as evening falls.黎明时分的电话会议、早餐会议、甚至办公室咖啡机在中午时间关闭的事实,都印证了在职场中,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。这些人在太阳升起时起床,夜晚休息,一整天神采奕奕。

  Night owls, on the other hand, flourish on a different timetable, typically riding a wave of energy and alertness from afternoon to well into the night.与上述类型不同的是,夜猫子一族的在线状态从中午开始,一直持续到深夜。

  Unfortunately, you can’t redesign the contemporary workday to suit your mole person ways, nor can you rewire the internal clock you were born with. But the good news is that you can still ace your job by doing a little shifting of certain habits and routines. Here’s how to tap into your biology–and use a little strategy–to come out on top.不幸的是,你不能重新设计当代的工作日,以适应你的方式,你也不能重新设计你的生物钟。 但好消息是,你仍然可以通过改变某些习惯来提高工作效率。 以下是如何挖掘你的生物潜力、使用适当策略脱颖而出的方法。1. CREATE A WORK CHEATSHEET THE DAY BEFORE1.提前一天写好备忘录If you’re a night owl with a day job, you likely arrive at work before your brain is fully alert, fuzzy about what tasks you need to accomplish. Instead of wasting the morning hours in an unproductive haze, create a morning to-do list the afternoon before, when you’re energized and focused如果你是夜猫子,但是白天又有工作,你很有可能坐在办公桌前脑子还没有完全清醒,不知道今天都有什么任务。与其浪费早上的时间,不如写好下午要做的事,在精力充沛的时候一件件地完成。

  Make it as detailed as possible and prioritize what you need to get done. “Note where you left off, who you need to call, anything you can do to put things in order until your brain clicks on.这个备忘录要尽可能详细,比如工作做到哪里了,要给谁打电话,在大脑充满活力之前你要做的所有事情都要写上去。

  2. STREAMLINE YOUR MORNING ROUTINE2.简化早晨常规Take a shower, lay out your clothes, pack your briefcase, and make your breakfast and lunch the night before the workday. Taking care of these routines can shave an hour off your morning and score you an extra hour of sleep every night. That can lead to dramatic improvements in a.m. reaction time, alertness, mood, and productivity.洗澡、铺好衣服、包好公文包、在工作日前一天晚上做好早餐和午餐。做好这些日常琐事能在第二天早上节省一个小时的睡眠时间,这样可以大大提高早晨的反应能力、警惕性、心情状态和生产力。

  Though it’s not a feasible solution for everyone, you may want to consider moving closer to your workplace, so your commute is only from the bedroom to your home office and you create more opportunity for morning sleep. “A commute makes all the difference in terms of how early you actually have to get up.”虽然这不是一剂万能药,有的人可能想住的离公司近一点,这样也能挤出时间多睡一会。 “通勤时间的长短决定了早上到底几点起床。”

  3. DO AUTOPILOT PROJECTS FIRST3.先做小事Not all job responsibilities require the same amount of brain power. Night owls should use the a.m. hours for robotic tasks that don’t require a lot of thought–like answering certain emails, bookkeeping, expense reports, looking at blogs or websites you follow, posting on LinkedIn, and returning calls. When you get the mundane, but necessary, stuff behind you, you’ll be primed to do your most productive work once your body and brain have had a chance to kick into gear.并不是所有的工作都需要相同的人力。夜猫子应该用上午时间进行机器人任务,这些任务不需要很多思考,例如回复某些电子邮件、记帐、费用报告、查看您关注的博客或网站、在LinkedIn上发帖、回电话等等。当你做完了这些琐碎的小事之后,身体和大脑也进入了最佳状态,可以开始做对脑力要求较高的任务了。

  4. SCHEDULE TOUGHER TASKS DURING PEAK PERFORMANCE TIMES4.精力最佳时完成要求较高的工作Pair work that requires you to put your thinking cap on–a crucial report, presentation, or brainstorming session with your team–with your peak energy windows. For night owls, that means the late afternoon and evening, but there is flexibility.合作任务要求你与队友合作完成一些需要思考的工作,比如重要报告、展示或者头脑风暴会议,这些任务要在精力最佳的时候做。对于夜猫子而言,就是在午后和晚上。但这个时间也是很灵活的。

  “Even scheduling difficult tasks during the late morning hours is better than early morning for night owls,”. “I recommend the late morning before lunch or the very late afternoon, since there can be a drop in alertness, body temperature, and glucose levels after eating a large meal.”“对于夜猫子来说,即便是早晨快结束时制定计划也比早上刚来的时候要好。”“建议大家在早晨快结束时的午餐之前,或者是下午快结束时做事,因为饱餐一顿之后警惕性、身体温度和体内葡萄糖水平都会下降。”

  5. BRING SOME WORK HOME5. 带一些工作回家做From 7 to 9 p.m., many night owls are firing on all cylinders. Take advantage your biology by reserving these hours for heavy-lifting tasks. That means taking work home, true, but it’s worth it because you’ll be more productive.从晚上7点到9点,许多夜猫子的精力正旺盛。利用生物钟规律,利用好这个时间段来做最难的工作。这就意味着要把一些工作带回家,但这也是可以的,毕竟你在这个时间段内效率更高。

  Dedicating one to two hours in the evening to tackle deep-thinking work tasks from home makes sense for a night owl—but put a limit on how late you’ll stay up. “Working after midnight when you have to be in the office by 9 a.m. is counterproductive.”晚上回家后工作一两个小时是可以理解的,但是不能熬夜太晚。“如果第二天要九点前到公司的话,凌晨后还在工作就是适得其反了。”

  6. ASK FOR A LATER START TIME OR EVEN WORK-FROM-HOME DAYS6.要求推迟上班时间或者在家工作Since even an extra hour of shut-eye can help a night owl function better in the morning, it may be worth it to see if you can change your work hours from 9 to 5 to 10 to 6.因为即使是多睡一小时也能帮助夜猫子在早上更好地工作,所以看看你能否把工作时间从朝九晚五改到早十晚六。

  While not all bosses will be understanding, it’s not out of line at most workplaces these days to ask for a slightly different schedule to accommodate personal and family needs. “Sometimes folks request adjusted hours to avoid rush hour traffic or to accommodate child care.” “What really matters is that you explain how this will help you get your work done more efficiently.”虽然并不是所有的老板都能理解,但如今在大多数工作场所,要求一份稍微不同的时间表来满足个人和家庭的需要,这并不是不可取的。“有时人们会要求调整好几个小时,以避免交通高峰时间或者为了照顾孩子。” “真正重要的是,你要解释这将如何帮助你更有效地完成工作。”
