
  I think we’ve all been there. We have great intentions and big plans that we write down in our special notebook that we use for important things and then . . . something happens.我觉得大家都是有过那样的历经。大家有宏伟的方案,我们在大家的非常笔记本电脑上写出关键的事情,随后…

  We get caught up in life. We forget where we put the book. And after a few months, we find the book. In it is a detailed list of all the things we wanted to accomplish. But unfortunately, we haven’t been working toward any of them. Then, the cycle of having good intentions without great execution starts all over again.日常生活的事情愈来愈多。大家忘记了把书放哪里了;几个月后,大家找到这本书。这上边记述了大家要想进行的全部事情的详尽明细。但悲剧的是,大家并沒有进行在其中一切一个。随后,沒有实行行動的宏大意向的循环系统又开始了。

  I’ve now learned that goal setting is bigger than some scribbled notebook pages. When done properly, it is a powerful journey of continuous improvement and assessment. If you fail to set and monitor your goals, you run the risk of building a foundation for a career you don’t want. Even worse, you risk not fully leveraging your most precious resource–time. So here are a few tips to show you how to set your goals and then work them to success.目标设置远远不止在笔记本电脑上写出愿望,设定目标实际上能够 协助你持续提高自己、评定自身的个人行为。假如你沒有设置好、以后跟踪目标的实行,便会丧失为将来工作打好基础的机遇。更槽糕的是,你很有可能沒有灵活运用你最珍贵的資源時间。这里有一些提议,教你怎样设定目标并达到目标。

  1. EMBRACE SELF-AWARENESS1.提升自我认同To achieve success, you first have to define it. What do you hope to accomplish? What is most important to you? What will you prioritize? Take a minute to reflect on your personal and professional aspirations before diving into goal setting. Thoughtfully consider your options and then make a conscious decision to pursue a specific avenue.要想获得成功,你最先得界定取得成功。你期待进行哪些?哪些对你最重要?你能优先选择考虑到哪些?在进到目标设置以前,花一分钟時间思考一下你的本人和岗位理想。慎重考虑地考虑到自身情况了,随后有目的地挑选一个特殊的方式。

  2. THINK BIG PICTURE2.从大局考虑To propel your career forward, you need to identify big life goals that you can strive for over time. True goals are essentially dreams. Your workplace goals should align with your professional dreams. Stick to big-ticket concepts only: desired industry, highest position you want to achieve, and a description of the impact you would like to make. Remember, if you get bogged down in the day-to-day grind, you may miss out on the big picture. So, ask yourself: where do I want to land?以便促进你的工作往前发展趋势,你需要明确你可以完成的整体目标。真实的目标实质上便是理想。你的工作中目标应当与你的职业理想一致。始终坚持不懈从大局考虑:期盼的领域,你要想做到的最大岗位,及其你要想做到哪些高宽比。记牢,假如你一直在日常事务中举步维艰,你很有可能会丧失大局观念。因此要问问你自己:我的最后目标是啥?

  3. OUTLINE ACTIONABLE STEPS3. 列举计划After you’ve set your goals, you can’t simply pat yourself on the back and wait for your dream to come true. It’s time to zoom in and break down your goals into actionable steps that you can implement. Sure, it’s nice to say you want to run your own company, for instance, but what deliberate, small strides are you going to take to do that? Take the broader concept of your goals and distill it into more specific objectives and even more granular tasks. Each day, outline what tasks you need to accomplish to help you achieve your objectives and eventually your goals. Your list of tasks should be realistic enough that you can take care of small, urgent matters that are destined to come up, and specific in their relation to your bigger goals so you continuously move forward professionally and personally.设定目标后,你不能什么事都不做,等候美梦成真。如今现在是时候将目标溶解为可实行的流程了。自然,比如说,你要运营自身的企业,这非常好,可是,你准备怎样周密计划、一步步完成目标呢?你能把它转化成更实际的目标,乃至更细腻的每日任务。每日列举你需要进行什么每日任务来协助你完成你的目标,最后完成目标。你的任务清单应当接近实际,解决这些终究要出現的小的、应急的事情,认清晰他们与更大目标的关联,那样你也就能不断从技术专业和本人的视角考虑来思考全部全过程。

  4. MONITOR YOUR PROGRESS4. 跟踪目标的完成Setting goals is one thing, but how do you track progress? Goal setting doesn’t work if you only make a list. You have to check in with yourself often. Just like you check in with your boss on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis, you need to do the same thing for yourself and your career. This means you have to review your objectives and your goals frequently. I recommend reviewing your objectives daily (to make your task list), and your goals monthly (to make sure you stay connected to your more important big-picture aims).设定目标是一回事儿,但你怎样跟踪行動进度呢?假如你只列一个明细,目标设置也不行得通。你务必常常审视自己的个人行为。如同你每星期、每两个星期或每个月向老总新生报道一样,你也必须给你自身与你的工作做一样的事情。这代表着你务必常常思索你的目标和行動。提议每日回望一下你的目标(列举你的任务清单),及其每个月目标(保证 与完成更关键的目标不错位)。

  Over the period of a week, you will see a little movement and feel quite efficient. But over a month, and then a quarter, you will see the true accomplishment of your objectives and, eventually, your goals.在一周的時间里你就会看到发展,觉得很高效率。可是一个多月以后,随后一个季度以后,你能见到自身作出了些成效,最后完成目标。