
  Love them or hate them, your co-workers are pretty much a constant in your life. And a strained relationship with one of your colleagues can cause undue stress, both in the office and in your personal life. If you and your coworker simply don’t see eye to eye, there may not be a fix that will take you from mortal enemies to BFFs. But there may be a way you can learn to coexist.无论你喜爱或反感,你的同事全是你日常生活中常会在的一个人群。不管在企业還是在本人日常生活,焦虑不安的同事关联都是给人生产制造过大的工作压力。如果你和同事相互之间看另一方不看不惯,或许确实没有办法把大家的关联从死对头转化成亲密无间朋友。但是也有一个方式能够 让大家并存。We’ve compiled five reads that will help you better understand the tension between your co-worker and yourself. With any luck, you’ll be able to resolve the situation to your satisfaction.大家综合性了五本读本的见解,协助你能够更好地认识你与同事中间的焦虑不安关联。很有可能,你也就能够 令人满意地处理这类状况。1. A Work ‘Frenemy’ Can Actually Make You Better At Your Job1. 工作中的“敌对联盟”事实上协助你提高工作表现Do you have a colleague who is awesome at one moment and indescribably irksome the next? This co-worker you feel conflicted about — one could even go so far as to call them a frenemy — can actually make you better at your job.你是不是有一个在某一時刻很让人重视、在另一个時刻也是极为令人厌恶的同事?这一同事让你的觉得很分歧——乃至还能够称作敌对联盟的同事——事实上能够 协助你提高工作表现。

  2. How To Have Great Relationships with Your Co-Workers2. 怎样与同事创建优良关联It’d be easy to command you to “open up” and “trust people more,” but this isn’t realistic. A critical component of trust is comfort and security, which can’t be manufactured or expedited. We all know those people who try to become BFFs too fast, and we don’t believe in those friendships. So don’t act like you trust someone if you don’t. But you can still set your own example of what you want in a coworker. Don’t gossip, and don’t leave people hanging. Want trustworthy coworkers? Be trustworthy yourself.随意提议他人“放宽自身”,“多坚信他人”是件非常容易的事儿,但我觉得实际。信赖的首要条件取决于舒适度与归属感,它是没法有意构建和迅速达到的。我们都太快结交这些尝试变成亲朋好友挚友的人,而且,我们都不相信这种同学关系。因此不必装作自身信赖那些人,如果你不相信得话。但是你依然能够 给自己设置理想化的同事品牌形象。不散布谣言,不拖拖拉拉。希望你的同事是可靠的?最先对自身是可靠的。

  3. Rules For Surviving The Modern Office3. 在现如今初入职场中巍然屹立的标准Co-workers that gossip or berate colleagues create a toxic environment for everyone. While it might be tempting to agree with your boss’s remark on a co-worker’s inability to multi-task or the new administrator’s inappropriate attire, resist the urge to throw a punch.散布谣言或严格斥责伙伴的同事会对每一个人导致损害。尽管有时很想要赞同老总针对某一同事的工作中软弱无能,或新一任管理人员的不妥服饰,可是要留意克制自己要想重锤式施加压力的不理智。

  4. These Are The Types Of Co-Workers People Complain About Most In Therapy4. 大家接纳心理疗法时最经常埋怨的同事种类No one job title or occupation is the same, but the difficult coworkers you run into in any given field tend to be remarkably similar. Their eye roll-inducing behavior (gossiping, micromanaging) may not always be worthy of an HR report but it still slows down workflow and peeves others in the office.沒有一切一个岗位称号或岗位是同样的,可是一切行业里遇到的难弄同事确是意想不到地类似。她们这些令人的翻眼个人行为(散布谣言,微管理方法)或许不值HR做出汇报,可是依然会缓减工作进展,惹怒别人。

  So, pay attention not to be such kind of coworkers. Avoid those red-flags, you’ll become better.因而,你需要留意审视自己,防止变成那模样的同事,绕开禁区,做最好的自己。