
  Job interviews can be mildly terrifying for anyone, but they’re extra-extra-terrifying for introverts. Here, some tips for giving a great first impression, even if your instincts are to go hide in a corner.应聘求职面试或许针对所有人而言是“柔和的恐怖”的,可是针对性情内向的人而言则是“极!极!恐怖”的。下边,让你共享一些小技巧,协助你留有优良的第一印象,即便你的天性更迫使你躲到角落。

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice1. 训练,训练,训练“I’ll just wing it” should not be a line in any introvert’s arsenal—that’s especially be true for interviews. Whether you enlist a pal to run through questions with you ahead of time or just practice in front of a mirror, go through an entire mock interview out loud until it feels natural.“我只有即兴表演主要表现了。”不可变成一切一位内向者的武器装备道德底线——非常是参加面试的情况下。无论你找了一位伙伴提早演习一遍面试难题,還是仅仅自身在浴室镜子前训练,你都应当高声训练全部仿真模拟面试的步骤,直至让你自己感到当然。

  2. Know Your Strengths2. 认识自己的优点Introverts aren’t naturals at self-promotion, so take stock of the things you’re best at and figure out a no-nonsense way to talk about them. We find it easier to talk quantifiably (“At my last company, my press materials brought in 12 new clients”) rather than with bravado (“I’m a terrific writer. Everyone knows it.”).内向者也不太善于自身营销推广,因此你需要汇总自身最善于的事儿随后设计构思一个严肃认真的方式去讨论他们。大家发觉,用数字表明客观事实的方式更简易(“在上一家企业的情况下,我的出版发行原材料吸引住了12位新客户”)而不是装腔作势(“我写作能力十分高,每个人都了解。”)。

  3. Anticipate3. 预估主要表现Off-the-cuff comments and free-flowing conversations aren’t typically where introverts shine, so instead of leaving things up to chance, brainstorm a list of all the questions you think your interviewer will ask you and prepare your answers accordingly.即兴表演表达意见和随便充分发挥的会话一般 并不是内向者呈现自身的好情景,因此,两者之间靠运势还不如头脑风暴游戏,列举全部你认为面试官会提出问题的难题,随后一个一个准备好你的答案。

  4. Canvass4. 勘测提前准备We’re not saying you should put on a hat and a pair of those fake moustache glasses, but scoping out the area where your interview will be proves majorly comforting come go time. Map out your route (or even try it the day before) to minimize travel-related stress and triple-check the weather to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. (No introvert wants to show up a sweaty mess.)大家并不是叫你戴上一顶帽子和一副含有假胡须的眼镜,可是扫视开展面试的场地可以大大的地抚慰你一直在面试全过程的心态。在地图上标注好线路(或是乃至在前一天先采点),便于缓解路程产生的工作压力,数次查询天气预告,保证你可以得本地衣着打扮。(没有一个内向的人期待自身大量出汗地出現在他人眼前。)If you’re uncomfortable in what you’re wearing, it’ll show on your face and in your body language. Before an interview, take some time to select pieces that make you feel like the boss you are.如果你对自身所衣着的衣服裤子感到不适感,这会反映在你的脸部和身体语言上。在面试以前,要花一点时间选择不一样零配件品类,给你觉得自身来定的信心。

  5. Talk Up Your Introvert Qualities5. 胆大赞赏你的内向者特性In the days leading up to an interview, introverts might start to feel insecure about their inward-facing qualities. Don’t! Instead, try talking up your more positive introverted tendencies right there in the interview. For example, many introverts are detail-oriented, thoughtful, creative and serious self-motivators.在面试前几日,内向者们很有可能会由于自身的内向特性而感到缺乏安全感。千万不要有那样的念头!反过来,你更应当在面试的情况下胆大地赞赏自身的性情向内趋向的积极主动之处。比如,很多内向者是精益求精的,贴心的,想像力强的及其严肃认真的自身激励者。

  6. Give Yourself Time to Unwind6. 为自己释放压力的時间If you can help it, don’t schedule back-to-back interviews. Allow yourself to regroup after each one by booking a massage, setting aside time to read a good book or making a favorite meal for dinner—pretty much anything that constitutes self-care.如果你可以忍得住,就不必分配背对背的面试。给与自身资产重组的机遇,能够根据预定一次推拿,分配空闲时间阅读文章一本好书或是做一顿美味可口的晚饭——更好像关怀自身的事儿。
