
  Your cover letter is supposed to catch a prospective employer's eye, but that's easier said than done when it's buried under a pile of applications. As a result, nearly every professional has his or her own advice when it comes to writing one of these formal introductions and bids for employment.想用你的自荐信吸引潜在雇主的眼球,但当它被淹没在一大堆求职申请中,就说起来容易做起来难了。所以,当谈到写一封正式的求职自荐信时,几乎每一个专业人士都有他们自己的建议。There's a typical formula many follow, but some job hopefuls have tried more inventive techniques to get their applications noticed. While success isn't guaranteed, these individuals chose more creative paths on the road to employment.有一条许多人遵从的公式化套路,但一些有希望的求职者尝试了更多创新模式以使他们的求职申请被注意到。虽然无法保证成功,这些人还是选择了更创新的路径以走向被成功录用之路。Whether you're looking for ideas to improve your job search, or you just want to see what people are willing to do to get an interview, here are six impressive cover letters that can inspire you to up your application game.无论你正寻找提高求职技巧的灵感,或是想看一看人们愿意做什么以获得一次面试机会,这里有6项令人印象深刻的介绍信能激励你在找工作的道路上继续前行。

  1. The Direct Approach1. 直接途径Lindsay Blackwell wanted to be social media director of the University of Michigan. Instead of typing up a typical cover letter, the tried and (sometimes) true method, she created a website with a video directed at Lisa Rudgers, the university's vice president for global communications and strategic Initiatives.琳赛·布莱克威尔想成为密西根大学的社交媒体负责人。虽然有时打印一个典型的介绍信是行之有效的办法,但她没有去做,而是针对密歇根大学全球沟通与战略行动副主席丽莎罗德格斯创建了一个视频网站。While Blackwell didn't ultimately get the job, she did land an interview for the position — an impressive feat on its own.虽然布莱克威尔最终没有得到这份工作,但她获得了此次职位的面试机会,这个本身就是惊人壮举了。

  2. Using the Changing Communication Landscape2. 使用不断升级的沟通技术Graeme Anthony, a PR practitioner looking for a job, uploaded his professional information to YouTube rather than creating a traditional cover letter and resume. Anthony's interactive video application included a breakdown of his skills and timeline for potential employers. It showed his video-producing and editing knowledge as well as his ability to use online resources.作为一名在寻找一份工作的公共关系从业人员,卡端美·安东尼没有去做一份传统的介绍信和简历,而是上传了他的专业信息到优酷。安东尼的交互视频求职申请包括他技能的分解和潜在雇主的时间规划。从而展示了他制作和编辑视频的知识以及利用在线资源的能力。In the end, it helped him land a job at Manc Frank. If a simple series of videos is enough to get you noticed, the sky's the limit.最终,这使他在Manc Frank找到了一份工作。如果一系列简单的视频就能使你受到关注,那你必将前途无量。

  3. The Power of Being Honest3. 诚实的力量Sometimes employers appreciate sheer honesty above well-written prose and assertions of dedication and passion. An unnamed applicant applied for a summer internship on Wall Street with a short but honest letter.有时,雇主欣赏完全的诚实胜过优美的散文和对奉献与激情的声明。一封虽无署名的求职信却凭借着简短而诚恳获得华尔街的暑期实习机会。Whether the lack of embellishment helped secure the position for the student is unknown, but it made quite a splash online and proved that honesty really can be the best policy.不管是否因为没有过多修饰的语言助他获得了这个职位,这不得而知,但它确实在网上激起了不少波澜,且证明诚实确实是最好的策略。

  4. A Little Design Goes a Long Way4. 一点小设计可以走的更远With a company as geared to the visual as Instagram, it can take more than a well-worded letter to catch the team's attention.要想获得像Instagram一样重视视觉的公司团队的注意,一封语言组织较好的信件是不够的。Twenty-year-old Alice Lee used her design skills to create an interactive website, complete with an Instagram stream with the social network's API. Instagram didn't end up hiring Lee, but she did get to speak to CEO Kevin Systrom, and Lee's site eventually led to an internship with another company.20岁的爱丽丝·李使用她的设计技巧创造了一个互动网站,使用一个带有社交网络应用编程接口的Instagram流来完成的。虽然Instagram最终没有雇佣李,但她确实与首席执行官希凯文斯特罗姆进行了对话,且她的网站最终使她获得了另一个公司的实习岗位。

  5. Using the Product Itself5. 使用产品本身If the company you're interested in makes a specific product, integrating it into your cover letter will show that you're not only familiar with the company, but also that you're resourceful.如果你感兴趣的公司在制造一个特定产品,将它们融入到介绍信里将显示你不仅熟悉他们公司,而且足智多谋。For Hanna Phan, the product she needed to use was a slideshow creator. Her imaginative cover letter for SlideRocket incorporated their technology and her style to create an engaging cover letter. If anything, Phan proves that all it takes is a little extra effort and knowledge of a product to make a lasting impression on potential bosses.对于汉纳·潘来说,她需要使用的产品是一个幻灯片制作工具。她向SlideRocket递交的富有想象力的求职信融入了他们的技术和自己创造迷人求职信的风格。如果有什么的不同的话,潘证明了多一点额外努力和产品知识将会给潜在的雇主一个持久的印象。

  6. Using Ads to Your Advantage6. 利用广告宣传你的优点Most of us have Googled ourselves at least once or twice, if only to make sure that nothing strange turns up with our names. With that in mind, Alec Brownstein decided to buy ads that would appear when specific people searched for creative directors' names, or more importantly, when said directors Googled themselves.我们大部分人都至少谷歌自己一两次了,确保没有奇怪的事情与我们的名字一起出现就好了。基于这一想法,亚力克·布朗斯丁决定购买谷歌的广告。这些广告将在当特定人群搜索有创造力的负责人名字时或更重要的是当负责人谷歌他们自己时出现。The ads led to Brownstein's site with a message that simply read, "Googling yourself is a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun, too." Brownstein now works at Y&R New York, and the ads only cost him $6. It isn't exactly a cover letter, but it isn't a bad strategy.导向布朗斯丁网站的广告信息显示:“谷歌你自己是有趣的。雇佣我也是有趣的。”布朗斯丁现在在纽约Y&R公司工作,且广告仅仅花费了他6美元。这并不是一封真正的介绍信,但也不是一个糟糕的策略。
