有问题的插图 problematic illustrations?
?整体画风the overall painting style
?不符合大众审美习惯fail to conform to the aesthetic preferences of the public
?失职失责dereliction of duty
?整改to rectify
?开展全面排查to launch an overhaul
?教辅supplementary materials?
?课外读物extracurricular reading materials
?假身份fake identities
?被胁迫be coerced
?被操控be manipulated
?故意杀人intentional homicide
?娱乐场所entertainment venues
?不可挽回的后果irreparable consequences
?对口援助pairing-up support
?深层次问题deep-seated problems
?解决群众急难愁盼的问题to solve the most pressing difficulties and problems are of great concern to the people
?连续十九年保持两位数以上增长double-digit growth for 19 consecutive years
?平均寿命the average life expectancy
?十五年公费教育15 years of publicly funded education
?债务陷阱debt trap
?转嫁自身责任to deflect responsibility
?主权债券sovereign bonds
?固定利率fixed interest rate
?浮动利率fluctuating interest rate
?加息周期rate hike cycle
?挑拨离间to sow discord
?炒作to hype up
?支持措施supporting measures
?促进人口长期均衡发展to promote balanced long-term population development
?产假parental leave?
?生育支持prenatal and postnatal support
?构建生育友好的职场环境the fostering of fertility. friendly workplaces
?搜查令search warrant
?刑事犯罪行为criminal violations
?机密标记classification marking
?提取、储存或传输国防情报the retrieval, storage or transmission of national defense information
?联合演训joint combat exercises and training
?台岛周边海空域the waters and airspace around the taiwan island
?反潜和对海突击行动anti-submarine operations and assaults on sea targets
?模拟攻击simulated assaults
?坐视不管to sit back