



1. Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that -----, since in conditions of affluence diseases relate to overeating and a poor nutrition seem to -----.

(A) lavishness… adapt

(B) overabundance…thrive

(C) corpulence…vex

(D) practicality…awaken

(E) commonness…abound

解析:“Ironically”表示逻辑反义,所以逗号前后的句子语意相反。空格1填入一个名词,that表示逆向指代,对应语意 “社会需要比他实际需要更多的事物(purchases much more food than it actually needs)”,所以空格1填入“富足的(affluent)”的语义。空格2填入一个动词,表示“有关暴饮暴食和营养不良(poor nutrition)的疾病”的状态。所以答案为B。其他选项:A 浪费,挥霍;适应。B 过量;兴盛起来。C 肥胖;烦恼。D 实用性;使清醒。E 普通;充满。答案为B。

2. Maggie is a procrastinator, inclined to ------ and to ------ discussions.

(A) meddle… scoff at

(B) temporize… prolong

(C) misbehave… disrupt

(D) sneer… terminate

(E) withdraw… intrude in

解析:空格1和2都填入一个动词,表示M对“讨论(discussions)”做的动作。由and连接两个空,所以逻辑同义,空格1和2与逗号前面的句子构成“一元二次方程”模式,所以应该体现“拖延者,办事拖拉的人(procratinator)”的语义。选项:A 干涉;嘲笑。B 拖延议事;延长。C 行为不端;打扰,使混乱。D 嘲笑;终结。E 收回,撤退;侵入,侵扰。答案为B。

3. The speaker, praised for her style yet ridiculed for her vacuity, often moved naive listeners with ----- alone and led them to believe that her speech had ------.

(F) reason… dalliance

(G) infelicity… conviction

(H) rhetoric… substance

(I) pragmatism… futility

(J) boorishness… integrity

解析:空格1和2都填入一个名词,表示发言者的言语的状态。“yet”表示逻辑反义,所以空格填入后应该体现“风格受到欢迎但是内容空洞”的语义。两个空由and连接,所以表达的意思应该是同义的。第一个空应该对应“风格好”,第二个空表达“使那些天真的观众相信其内容不是空洞的”,第二个空填入“不是空洞”的相应的意思。选项:A 原因;嬉戏,调情。B 不幸;信念。C 修辞;物质,实质。D 实用主义;无用。E 粗鲁;完整。答案为C。

4. Hayley Mill’s films have been called ------, although most of them are not so sentimental as to deserve that description.

(A) treacly (B) cursory (C) prosaic (D) meticulous (E) consecrated

解析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰HM的电影。“although”表示转折关系,前后语意相反,逗号后面的句子中,“not”表示否定,not so sentimental,前句空中应该填入其反义,所以空格应该填入“感情丰富的(sentimental)”的同义。选项:A 甜蜜的(resembling treacle: overly sweet and sentimental)。B 粗略的,仓促的。C 单调的。D 吹毛求疵的。E 神圣的。答案为A。

5. A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not license for -------, nor do they --------- prejudice or bias.

(A) experimentation… eliminate

(B) arrogance… pursue

(C) humility… advocate

(D) smugness… legitimate

(E) rigidity… console

解析:空格1填入一个名词,表示“科学的限定or资格证书(scientific qualifications)”不是什么的许可。空格2填入一个动词,表示“科学的限定or资格证书(scientific qualifications)”对“偏见(prejudice or bias)”做的动作。分号表示前后同义,有“not”等多处否定,所以空格1应该填入“自动地排斥民间方法”的语义,空格2填入一个正动作,表示对“偏见(prejudice or bias)”的肯定态度。选项:A 实验;消除,淘汰。B 自夸;追求。C 谦虚;拥护,支持。D 自鸣得意;使规范,使合法。E 僵硬;安慰。答案为E。

6. The frequent name changes that the country has undergone ------ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.(bingo+句子结构分析)

(A) argue against (B) contrast with (C) testify to (D) jeopardize (E) sustain

解析:空格填入一个动词+介词或是动词,表示“国家名字的经常变化(The frequent name changes that the country has undergone)”对“政治动乱(political turbulence)”做的动作。可以重复的语义只有“变化”和“混乱”,所以空格填入一个正动作。选项:A 与…辩驳。B 与…相反。C 证实了…。D 使危险。E 持续。答案为C。

7. Not only was the science of Hildegard Bingen ------ her theology, but her religious visions helped give her scientific works ------- by winning her the support of the medieval church authorities.

a) inseparable from… legitimacy

b) unconcerned with… prestige

c) derived from… profundity

d) related to … accuracy

e) diminished by… detachment

解析:空格1填入一个形容词+介词或是动词+介词的结构,逻辑同义(not only…


but…为并列结构,不是转折关系),所以空格2应该体现“为她赢的了中世纪教会权威的支持”的语义。即正评价词汇,而空格1也应该体现这样的语义。选项:A 不可分离的;合法,正统。 B 不关心;威望。C 从…来;深奥。D 有关系;准确。E 减少;公平,分离。答案为A。

8. Opponents of the research institute label it ------ anachronism; its scholars, they allege, have ------ rivaling those of pre-revolutionary French nobility.

f) An elitist… perquisites

g) A monarchial… tribulations

h) An irreproachable…luxuries

i) A reprehensible… afflictions

j) A commendable… privileges

解析:空格1填入一个冠词+形容词的结构,修饰“时代错误(anachronism)”,空格2填入一个名词,表示研究所的学者们和“与那些法国大革命前的贵族相竞争”的关系。分号表示前后同义,所以空格1应该体现贵族的语义,空格2应该体现空格1的语义和时代错误的语义。选项:A 精英的;津贴。B 国王的;苦难。C 无可指责的;豪华。D 应受谴责的;苦恼,折磨。E 值得赞扬的;特权。答案为A。

9. In addition to ------ stacks of resumes and references, some employers want to ------- the hiring process by employing graphologists to study applicants’ handwriting for character analysis.

a) Evaluating… supplement

b) Envisioning… circumvent

c) Ignoring… depersonalize

d) Ameliorating… revisit

e) Condoning… belabor

解析:空格1填入动词,表示“有些雇主(some employers)”对“成堆的简历和推荐信(stacks of resumes and reference)”做的动作。空格2填入一个动词,表示“有些雇主(some employers)”对“雇佣过程(hiring process)”做的动作。逻辑同义,所以空格2应该填入“利用笔相家来研究申请人的性格特点”的语义。空格1应该体现“研究(study)”和“空格2”的语义。选项:A 评估;补充。B 想象,预想;避免。C 忽视;使失去个性。D 改进,改善;再访问。E 宽恕;过分冗长的说或做。答案为A。

10. Andrew’s hunch that Ms. Smith would lose the election was ------- when her opponent won in a landslide, proving Andrew’s -------- to be correct.

(A) Compromised… prediction

(B) Rejected… insolence

(C) Substantiated… endorsement

(D) Confirmed… intuition

(E) Belied…. Retraction

解析:空格1填入一个从此,表示“A的直觉(Andrew’s hunch)”的状态。空格2填入一个名词,表示A的什么是正确的。由于她的竞争对手在泥石流中获胜,所以S的落选就是正动作,从而可以肯定A的直觉是正确的。选项:A 妥协;预测。B 拒绝;无辜。C 证实;同意,批准。D 证实;直觉。E 与…背道而驰;收回。答案为D。