


英音 [beɪs] 美音 [bes]


n. 基础;基地;根据;基数(如十进制的10 和二进制的2);

vt. 基于;把…建立在;把…放在或设在(基地);把…置于底座(或基座)上;

adj. 卑鄙的;低级的;贱的,劣的;庶生的;

【英文释义】 Noun: installation from which a military force initiates operations;

"the attack wiped out our forward bases"

lowest support of a structure;

"it was built on a base of solid rock" "he stood at the foot of the tower"

a place that the runner must touch before scoring;

"he scrambled to get back to the bag"

the bottom or lowest part;

"the base of the mountain"

(anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment;

"the base of the skull"

a lower limit;

"the government established a wage floor"

the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained;

"the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture"

a support or foundation;

"the base of the lamp"

a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)

any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water;

"bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia"

the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed;

"the base of the triangle"

the most important or necessary part of something;

"the basis of this drink is orange juice"

(numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place;

"10 is the radix of the decimal system"

the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end

a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries

(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed;

"thematic vowels are part of the stem"

the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area;

"the industrial base of Japan"

the principal ingredient of a mixture;

"glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments" "he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green" "everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base"

a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit;

"a tub should sit on its own base"

(electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector

Adjective: serving as or forming a base;

"the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats"

of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense);

"baseborn wretches with dirty faces" "of humble (or lowly) birth"

(used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal;

"base coins of aluminum" "a base metal"

not adhering to ethical or moral principles;

"base and unpatriotic motives" "a base, degrading way of life" "cheating is dishonorable" "they considered colonialism immoral" "unethical practices in handling public funds"

having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality;

"that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble" "taking a mean advantage" "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort" "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"


debased; not genuine;

"an attempt to eliminate the base coinage"

Verb: use as a basis for; found on;

"base a claim on some observation"

situate as a center of operations;

"we will base this project in the new lab"

use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes

【base相关词】 abase vt. 使谦卑;使感到羞耻;使降低(地位、身份等);降下; n. 贬低;屈辱;贬低别人的人;baseball n. 棒球;[体]棒球运动;baseboard n. 踢脚板;baseborn adj. 出身微贱的,庶生的;baseburner n. 自动添煤的火炉;baseless adj. 无根据的;胡枝扯叶;baseman n. 一(二、三)垒手,守垒员;basement n. 地下室;[建]基底,底部;baseness n. 卑鄙,下贱;basenji n. 巴辛吉(产于非洲的小猎狗);bases n. 底部;基础;根据地;基地;基础( base的名词复数 );基地;根据;基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2);基本( basis的名词复数 );基础;基准;(认识论中的)基本原则;database n. 数据库;资料库;信息库;debase vt. 降低质量(地位、价格等);降低(硬币的)价值,贬值;diabase n. 辉绿岩;firebase n. 重火力点(向敌人发射重型炮火的军事基地);freebase vi. 加热吸用精炼可卡因;subbase n. 子基,底基,底基层;surbase n. 装饰线脚;wheelbase n. 前后轮之车轮轴距离,轴距;

【base相关词条】 base enamel 搪瓷底釉;base sump 集油池;intermediate base 中间基地公司;base correction 基点改正;base bar 杆状基线尺;base upon 使建立在…基础上;base stabilization 基极稳定;base coat 底漆腻子,头道底漆,中间涂层;base curve 基线;base frame 底座,底架,底台;base face 基准面;Base n. 基础;基地;根据;基数(如十进制的10 和二进制的2); vt. 基于;把…建立在;把…放在或设在(基地);把…置于底座(或基座)上; adj. 卑鄙的;低级的;贱的,劣的;庶生的;logarithmic base [计] 对数底;base enamel 搪瓷底釉;Millon's base 米龙氏碱,氨络双氧化汞;base analogue 碱基类似物;Beeler's base 贝尔基质;tailstock base 顶尖座板;chemoplastic base [医]低熔铸型基板;transaction base [计] 事务处理库;residual base [医]剩余碱;