




楚乔传的英文名就是the princess agents, 特工皇妃,因为楚乔是个超级美女间谍!当然,英文译名中用了复数,因为里面不止一个特工皇妃。楚乔传也可直接译为Legend of Chu Qiao.不过没有那么直白。当然间谍也可以说spy; secret agent; mole.指长期潜伏的间谍或双重间谍。楚乔传的历史背景是中国历史上具有重要意义的南北朝时期(the background of the story is related with a significant historical period in China. The name of this period is Southern and Northern Dynasties);具体来说是西魏(West Wei Kingdom),西魏时代的来源历史学主流认为是由北魏分裂而成的一个王国(According to some historians, these two kingdoms have been splitted from the Northern Wei Kingdom)


楚乔传是2017年出品的电视剧(a 2017 Chinese television series),由小说11处特工皇妃改编而来(based on the novel 11 Chu Te Gong Huang Fei),由作家潇湘冬儿创作(written by Xiao Xiang Dong Er),主演有赵丽颖,林更新,窦骁,李沁等(It stars Zanilia Zhao, Lin Gengxin, Shawn Dou and Li Qin);2017年6月5号开始在湖南台播出(started airing on Hunan TV on June 5, 2017);属于历史剧,动作剧,爱情剧(Genre Historical fiction,Action,Romance)



故事发生在动荡的西魏时期(takes place during the chaotic times of Western Wei),那时无辜的百姓经常被绑架做奴隶(innocent citizens are often kidnapped and turned into slaves),楚乔就是其中一个奴隶女孩(slave girl),被扔进森林里(thrown into a forest),成为贵族们追寻的对象(becomes the hunting target for the rich lords),后来被北燕的燕洵皇子所救(saved by the Prince of Northern Ya


n),再后来又被带进了西魏达官显贵的宇文家(brought into a powerful family of Yuwen)。亲眼目睹他们残酷的权力之争(witness their bloody power struggle),于是发誓要带她的妹妹远离纷争(swear to take her younger sister and flee from the situation),然而却引起了宇文的注意(catch the attention of Yuwen Yue),开始严格训练(undergo strict training),与宇文建立了革命友谊(build a sense of companionship with Yan Xun)。


不幸的是,西魏内战(Western Wei goes into battle),到北魏做质子的燕洵家被满门抄斩(Yan Xun’s family is slaughtered),燕洵幸存下来,变得野心勃勃,心狠手辣,想要复仇(grow ambitious and cruel to avenge)。他怀疑楚乔(doubt Chu Qiao),就多次利用她的忠诚与爱(take advantages of her loyalty and love many times)否认他们之间的感情(disregard their relationship),楚乔失望至极,最终分手(eventually break off her relationship with Yan Xun),开始与宇文同一战线(fight with Yuwen Yue),破坏燕洵复仇计划(destroy Yan Xun’s plans of vengeance),最终说服宇文废除全国奴隶制(eventually convince Yuwen to free the country from slavery),成为声名显赫的军事谋略家,人民心中的女将军(become a successful military strategist/female general in the people’s hearts)。


最后附上全剧的开场白, 饶有深意:


(In this world, many people know where they came fromand who they are. Where they should go, and whom they should spend all the life with. But I don't  know. I do not know where I should be during the turbulance. Where is my home town? I can not see the past. Neither can I see the future. What I could hear is a voice Chuqiao Who is Chuqiao?)







