


一,no problem, 我们中学时课文上是这么用的:
-Could you do me a favor?
-No problem!

-Thank you!
-No problem.

-Oh sorry!
-No problem!

二,go by, 老师说 go by 的意思是“过;以…为根据(作判断)”,事实上也可以这么用于介绍自己,比如你的中文名是小明,英文名是Ming:
My name is Xiaoming, and I go by Ming. 这种表达方式秒杀” My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.” 好几条街了吧。

三,appreciate it! 大多时候,我们用英语表示感谢时,来来去去就是那几种:
感谢:thank you/ thanks
十分感谢: thank you so much/ very much/ a lot
从今天起,你可以换个感谢说法了,用 appreciate it!

四,figure, 这个单词的意思其实真的很丰富,可做名词、动词和代词,但我们最常用的词义只有“身材,图表图形”这些它作为名词时候的意思,很少人能熟练使用它的动词形式。 比如说,我们表达“我认为/我觉得/相信”时,总是常用I believe/think/guess.其实 I figure 也能表达这些意思,比如:
-I figured you might wanna be alone for a while, so I didn't bother you.

五,如何委婉地形容一个人的身材外貌?我们平常形容一个人的高矮胖瘦时,总是用short, tall, fat, thin 这几个词,tall 和thin 还好点,至少不是说人负面的缺点。可short, fat 如此直白评论可就显得不太客气了些。建议,petite 和 plus size 代替。Petite 是纤弱的;娇小的意思。另外,描述肤色时,慎用white 和 black,容易引发误会,可以用pale/fair(形容白),tan/dark 代替。

六,邮件用语,请求某人意见的时候地道英语邮件用语是” I am wondering if……”(我想是否能…)或者” It would be great/the best if you could...”. 开头和结尾分别是:-I hope this email finds you well.
-Any response will be appreciated。
-Please feel free to let me know if there should be any question.

七,shoot的用法,shoot  的含义除了“射击”之外有多个意思,比如,作名词时:幼苗;嫩芽;新枝;拍摄;做动词时:开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射;射杀(我们通常比较熟悉其动词用法);口语的感叹词:避免说 shit;(让某人把话说出来)说吧,类似于go ahead.
-Whenever you need help, just shoot me an email.

-I've collected some negative comments on you.
-Shoot. (go ahead)

-I was shooting for 100, but 98 is ok.
-Oh shoot...(shit)


-I'll leave you be.打扰了,告辞了
-As you were.
-Off the hook从麻烦脱身(想象一条鱼脱离鱼钩的样子)
-He paid all the fines so he's finally off the hook now.
-He's off the hook, he doesn't do drugs any more.

九,hands down, 不费气力地;无疑地

Hands down, the women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable, especially if the woman was menstruating .

十,though,though的用法我们都熟知为“虽然;尽管;即使despite the fact that”,其实它还有一个常见用法常常被我们忽略,那就是“用于主句后,引出补充说明,使语气变弱)不过,可是,然而”。比如:
-Do you want me to get you a cup of coffee?
-No, I'm good. Thank you though.