


1. financial stituations in a


2. bonds and long-term credit债券和持久信贷


provide further funding供给更多资金

4. compliance with a myriad of governmental regulations遵守各种当局律例

5. prevent insider trading避免内线买卖

6. intense scruting of profit and loss statements当真审查损益表

7. financial reporting财政陈述

8. profit and loss损益

9. the break-even point损益均衡点

10. gross profit毛利润

11. fixed costs exceed sales固定间接用度

12. total sales贩卖总额

13. discounts or allowance are subtracted减去扣头或折让的额度

14. net income净收入

15. gross profit margin毛利润

16. the ramainder余额

17. operating profit业务利润

18. in the red 吃亏 deficit赤字

19. in the black红利

20. overhead(burn rate)常常性付出(资金损耗率)

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