职场英语 日本的上班族周五下午三点就能下班

??Japan’s government is urging employees to leave the office early every lastFriday of the month, hoping to crackdown on a culture of workaholics whileproviding a shot in the arm for the economy.


The Premium Friday campaign, which launched this week, is calling onworkers to leave the office at 3pm once a month, and spend time with family,dine out or go shopping, according to Japan Times.


It is hoped that the initiative will encourage people to spend more moneyon food, in shops and on travel. All Nippon Airways, the country’s largestairline, is offering special discounts from Friday in a bid to entice people totake trips.


“We hope this will encourage people to rest and to leave the officeearlier,” an ANA spokeswoman told Japan Times. “Participation by the governmentand companies is needed to push forward reforms (in the working culture),” sheadded.



The campaign is part of a general push by the government to limit excessiveworking hours following the suicide of an employee at ad agency Dentsu that wasreportedly ruled to be a “death by overwork”, and cast a harsh spotlight onJapan’s deeply entrenched problem of overtime and burnout. The president ofDentsu stepped down in the wake of the tragic incident and the company has sinceannounced new measures such as switching off the office lights between 10pm and5am.


The government hopes that one welcome side-effect of the push to promotefree time will be stimulus to the economy.


According to Reuters, both the labour

force and the population is shrinkingin Japan. The country wants to reduce working hours to encourage women to workand get men more involved in raising and caring for children. Increased leisuretime should also mean more time between the sheets to boost the birth rate, theagency reports.


Last month, Internet company Yahoo Japan Corp said that it was thinkingabout reducing the number of working days to four-a-week by 2021.


“By giving employees more freedom on how to work, we’re hoping thatemployees choose a style that lets them perform at their best, so that we boostproductivity,” a company spokeswoman told Bloomberg at the time.

