

  A: Is it important to let your manager know your ideas about work?


  B: I think it's very important. You see, I often make suggestions to my boss about internal development, and discuss areas I would like to improve on. In this way, I'm contributing to the overall improvement of the company.


  A: What might be the disadvantages of working in a team environment?


  B: Sometimes, team membership requires you to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole. Sometimes you feel your own contribution to the team cannot be measured, so you work less than you would individually.

  有时,精英团队组员想要你舍弃一些个性化,以使精英团队做为一个总体充分发挥。有时候你觉得自身对精英团队的奉献是不可估量的,因此 你能比独立工作中的尽量少。三、商务英语口语3:签合同

  A: We have a new contract with a printing company in Bratislava. They're going to take over about 80% of our book printing next year. It's going to cut our costs considerably, I hope.


  B: Well,I'm going to be there next month.I'm going to discuss the contract with the printers. And after that, I think I'm going to take a few days' holiday. It's been a very busy year.


  A: No, I'm meeting the sales team on Tuesday and it's all-day thing. That leaves Wednesday.


  B: Wednesday looks OK at the moment, but don't forget the strategy meeting at 10 o'clock.


  A: Oh, that's right, I'm going to that too. But I'm free after that. How does 12:30 sound? We could have lunch.


  B: Great, we can talk and eat on Wednesday. Now I must run. I've got a meeting with the Finance Director.

  太棒了,大家周三能够 一起吃饭闲聊。如今我务必离开了。我想和财务经理汇报工作。
