
  国际商务英语——把握电话方法:让另一方等候:让拨通方等候为其接转电话,是商务接待电话中见怪不怪(second nature)的內容。文质彬彬并出示便捷合理地接转,让另一方领略到企业的优质服务项目。 先要表明一个让另一方等候的原因,随后以了解的方法让另一方稍等片刻。下边就要我们一起来瞧瞧吧。让另一方等候 Placing the Caller on Hold

  让拨通方等候为其接转电话,是商务接待电话中见怪不怪(second nature)的內容。文质彬彬并出示便捷合理地接转,让另一方领略到企业的优质服务项目。


  ⊙ Thank you for calling Medford Insurance, this is Marcie Stevens. Would you please hold?

  谢谢拨通Medford商业保险,我是Marcie Stevens。您可否稍等片刻?

  ⊙ I'm sorry, I need to answer the other line. Would you mind holding momentarily?


  ⊙ Let me check the information in our computer database. Could you hold for a moment, please?


  ⊙ I'll take a look and see if Mr. Johnson is available to take your call. Would you like to hold for a moment, please?


  ⊙ We're experiencing heavier than usual call volumes. I need to place you on hold for a few minutes.


  一定要了解来电方(caller)是不是想要其电话被挂起,或是是不是想要接着再打(be called back)。防止应用生涩词句(abrupt phrase),要让来电方了解很有可能要等多久。

  ⊙ Mr. Samuels is meeting with a client at the moment. Would you prefer to leave a message on his voice mail? Or I can put you on hold?


  ⊙ I need to find the information you are requesting in my file cabinet. It may take a few minutes. Can you hold, or would you like me to call you back?


  ⊙ I will transfer you over to Mr. Griggs' line. Please hold for just a moment.


  ⊙ We are experiencing a high call volume at the moment. I need to place you on hold for several minutes. Would you rather leave your name and number and I can call you back?


  假如来电方愿意电话暂被挂起,在过去了你常说的挂起時间后,一定要再次接入(return to the line),并了解是不是想要再等。

  ⊙ Hello? Mr. O'Brian has still not returned to the office. Would you like to continue to hold for him?


  ⊙ Ms. Lewis is still with a client. Did you want to keep holding for her? Or I can transfer you to her voice mail?


  ⊙ Mr. Kline is still on the other line. Did you want to continue holding?


  在来电被挂起后,应立即回应确定进度,别长期的挂起(hang there)。大概每过三十秒钟应当告之另一方接入的现况。

  ⊙ I am still looking through the information. Can you please hold for a few more minutes?

  我一直在访问 信息内容。您能再等数分钟吗?

  ⊙ I will be with you shortly, please continue to hold.


  ⊙ I need to check on a few more items. Can you please continue holding for a moment?

  我需要点击查看的新项目,您是不是能够 再等一会儿?
