
  fore you say “thanks” and walk out the door, don’t miss a last chance to show your stuff and gather useful intel.走出门时一定不要忘记最后展示一次你的才能、收集有用信息。

  If you’re looking for an entry-level job, it can sometimes feel like you’re speeding through the interview process screaming, “Pick me! Pick me!” while trying to play it cool. You might focus so much on answering the interviewer’s questions in a way that demonstrates you’re the right person for the job that you forget to ask them smart questions, too.如果你正在寻找一个入门级的工作,有时候会觉得整个面试过程中心里都在喊 “挑我! 选我!”,但表面仍要装作淡定。你可能会把注意力集中在回答面试官的问题上,以这种方式证明你是这个工作的合适人选,这时候你经常忘记对他们发问。

  In reality, that final stage of the interview can be the part where you seal the deal. You should put just as much effort into asking questions that show you’re ready to jump right in and allow you to gauge whether the role is a good fit for you in the first place. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste. Here’s what hiring managers and recruiters say are three of the most powerful questions that too few entry-level hires remember to ask.事实上,面试的最后阶段可能是你签署协议、决定加入公司。 你应该尽可能多地提出问题,表明你已经准备好了,并且让你能够首先判断这个职位是否适合你。不要浪费这个机会。 以下是招聘经理和招聘人员所说的三个初级面试者最容易疏忽的问题。1. “WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE FOR ENTRY-LEVEL HIRES AT THE COMPANY?”“在公司里,对于初级职员来说什么才算成功?”It’s better to know even before day one what it would take to succeed in your position. Heidi Solti-Berner, evolving workforce talent leader at Deloitte, recommends this question because it gives the hiring manager a chance to spell out the qualities of junior-level high performers in the organization.职员们应该在上班第一天之前就知道如何才能取得成功。德勤员工人才领导者Heidi Solti-Berner推荐了这个问题,因为这给了招聘经理一个机会来阐明优秀职员应具有的素质。

  “Once you have a clearer picture of this,” she says, “you can better demonstrate how those identified qualities are aligned with your work ethic, professional goals, and overall personality.” If there’s anything about yourself that you didn’t get a chance to share earlier, you can follow up on the interviewer’s response by explaining how you already possess some of the qualities and skills they’ve just mentioned.她说:“一旦你对这个问题有了更清晰的了解,你就可以更好地展示这些特定的品质是如何与你的职业道德、职业目标和整体个性相一致的。”如果之前你漏掉了一些自我介绍,这个时候也可以借机阐述你具备他们提到的一些素质和技能。

  Plus, if you do get the offer and wind up taking it, you’ll start off with insider knowledge about how to thrive in your position. At any rate, recruiters are likely to be impressed simply by the fact that you asked this question, since it shows that your main priority is to start delivering results right away.另外,如果你得到了这份工作,就要开始了解如何做好这份工作。一般来说,如果你问了相关问题,招聘人员就会对你印象深刻,因为这表明你想要马上开始努力并取得成果。

  2. “HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE TEAM AND MANAGER I’D BE WORKING WITH?”“你如何描述我即将加入的团队和经理?Yes, getting a job is important, but it’s even more important to work at a company where you’re supported by a boss and colleagues who are proactive about helping you grow–especially when you’re coming in at the entry level. Chelsea Kovak, a recruiter at the business-loan platform Fundera, explains that “nothing has a bigger impact on your ability to develop and grow in a role than the amount of mentoring and focus you can get from your manager.”是的,找一份工作很重要,但更重要的是在公司里得到上司和同事的支持,他们能否帮助您成长是很关键的—特别是当你还是职场菜鸟时。商业贷款平台Fundera的招聘人员Chelsea Kovak解释说:“要想在一份工作上成长和发展,没有什么比从经理那里得到的指导和关注更重要。”

  But Kovak also points out that this question helps you understand the work culture, since it “gives a sense of the way the team will work together and can really prepare you for the culture of the company you’ve signed up for.” If the hiring manager shares even a few background details of the team’s dynamics, they can be pretty telling–and hopefully help you decide whether it’s the right environment for you.但Kovak也指出,这个问题可以帮助你理解公司文化,因为它“让你了解团队合作的方式,并且真正帮助你了解未来公司的文化。”如果招聘经理可以分享团队动态的一些细节,那么这些将会是非常有用的参考,可以帮助你判断这里的环境是否适合你。

  For instance, does the interviewer mention that the team is collaborative and works on several projects together? Or, does your team only consist of you and your manager? Is it a growing team that’s looking to add new hires over the next six months? This is all useful information when you’re sizing up a role. But what’s more, asking this question gives you one last chance to show the interviewer that if you’re offered the position, you’ll be able to fit right in with the team.例如,面试官是否提到团队是不是合作的,并且共同参与多个项目? 或者,你的团队是只包括你和你的经理吗? 这是不是一个正在成长的团队,希望在未来六个月内增加新员工? 这些都是是有用的信息。但是更重要的是,询问这个问题给了你最后一次机会让你向面试官展示,若得到工作机会,你将会与团队配合地很好。

  3. “IF OFFERED THE JOB, WHAT WOULD YOU RECOMMEND I DO TO GET OFF TO A GREAT START?”“如果我得到这份工作,为了有一个良好的开端,您是否能给我一些建议?”While the first question focuses on your long-term success, this last one gives you intel on what it would take to stand out immediately. And according to Jeremy Payne, VP and head of operations at Remote Year, says that asking this question helps the interviewer visualize you in the role.第一个问题关注你的长期发展,最后一个问题让你知道如何立即脱颖而出。根据Remote Year的副总裁兼运营主管Jeremy Payne的说法,问这个问题有助于面试官对你印象深刻。

  So in addition to getting yet another chance to reassure the interviewer why you’re up for the challenges ahead of you, Payne adds that it’s also a useful data-gathering opportunity: “It allows you to determine where you would need development and provides you with advice toward that development–all in one response.” And best of all, since the hiring manager is thinking about what you in particular would need to start off on the right foot, the suggestions you’ll hear will be tailored to your skills and credentials.Payne补充说,问这个问题除了有机会再次向面试官展示你已经做好准备迎接挑战外,这还可以帮助你搜集数据:“通过这个问题的答案,求职者可以判断自己在哪方面需要改进,并且给你未来发展提出建议。”最重要的是,由于招聘经理正在考虑你需要开始做些什么,所以这时候你得到的回答就是为你量身定做的建议。

  Adding these three questions to your mental lineup while you’re prepping for interviews can help you wrap up your conversation on a high note. They let you show the interviewer that success and culture are both equally important to you, all while letting you suss out whether the team, position, and expectations fit with your personal career goals.在准备面试的时候,把这三个问题添加到你的面试过程中,可以帮助你很好地完成面试。这些问题让你向面试官表明,企业文化和成功对你来说都很重要,同时让你了解公司的团队、职位和期望是否符合你个人的职业目标。