

  1.What is important to you in a job?这一工作对你最重要的是哪些?Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 它产生的挑戰感,满足感及其而为作出贡献的考虑。

  2.Why do you want to work for this organization?你为什么想起这来?Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.它的知名度,所出示的机遇及其工作自然环境(都吸引住我)。

  3.Why should we employ you?大家为何要聘请你?My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.我的技术专业情况,工作能力及其为贵司工作的激情。

  4.If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?你准备在我们这工作多长时间?As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities.要是职位随能力提高而相对提升(就不容易走)。5.What are your greatest strengths?你较大 优势是啥?I can see what needs to be done and do it.我办事临危不惧。I work well with others.我与别人非常容易相处。I can organize my time efficiently.我可以合理地运用時间。6.What are your greatest weaknesses?较大 缺陷呢?I tend to drive myself too hard.我有时候对自身规定过度严苛。I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.我对他人的能力期待过高。I like to see a job done quickly.我很喜欢快刀斩乱麻。

  外资企业经典面试问答优选【简约篇】:1.What experience do you have for this kind of job? 给你过和这类工作有关的历经吗?2.Here is a copy of resume. Please have a look. 它是我的简历,请您过目。3.How long have you been at your present place of employment? 你现阶段的工作做了多长时间?4.I have fifteen years experience in the education field. 我还在教育行业有十五年的工作工作经验。5.I am looking for a job more suitable to my talents and that can satisfy my desire to be constantly challenged. 我正在找寻一份工作,不但可以大量地充分发挥我的才可以,并且又能考虑自身持续寻找挑戰的心愿。6.What salary expectations do you have? 你期待的工资多少钱?7.What kind of salary did you have in mind? 你要想的工资多少钱?8.Nothing less than six figures. 不少于六位数。9.Tell me about your educational background. 跟我说你的教育经历。10.I graduated form Harvard with honors. 我在美国哈佛大学大学毕业,成绩优异。11.Why do you feel youre qualified for this job? 为何感觉自身合适这一份工作?12.Ive worked in this profession for the past few years and Im well-known in the industry. 我还在这一行业早已工作了很多年,在这里领域中也是很有名气的。
