
  You may have received training on giving a good presentation or writing a successful business proposal, but few of us spend as much time learning how to craft a good email. It’s quick and easy, but few of us give much thought to shooting off an email, so that makes it ripe for misuse.你很有可能早已接纳过相关演试报告或创业计划书的学习培训,但非常少有些人花销一样多的時间来学习培训要怎么写好一封电子邮件。写邮件既迅速又简单,但写好邮件后常常有些人想也不想就传出来到,因此非常容易出現出错。

  “Email is simultaneously messy, imperfect, overwhelming, and impoverished,” says Nick Morgan, author of Can You Hear Me? How to Connect with People in a Virtual World.《你能听见吗?虚拟世界的沟通指南》一书的作者尼克斯·摩根觉得“邮件会让沟通交流变的错乱而乏力”。So before you send your next email, make sure you do these three things:因而,在你传出下一封电子邮件前,请保证做下列3件事儿:WAIT AT LEAST 60 SECONDS AND READ IT OVER BEFORE YOU HIT SEND等上最少60秒,并在点推送以前细读邮件Because email is a quick tool to use, it’s tempting to shoot one off on the fly, but that often leads to misunderstandings or incomplete information, requiring a few more emails to clear up.电子邮件是一种方便快捷的专用工具,因此非常容易传出去,但这一般 会造成误会或信息内容不详细,随后必须发大量的电子邮件才可以讲明白。

  “The issue is we feel we never have enough time because we’re buried in email,” says Morgan. “We’re in email hell, and we try to get out by erasing and deleting and responding briefly to those we have to. Ideally you should take more time.”“难题取决于大家感觉時间不足,由于电子邮件太多了,”摩根说,“大家正置身电子邮件的炼狱,尝试根据删掉或简略答复务必回应的邮件来解决这一境况。理想化状况下你应该在邮件里花大量時间。”

  Write your email and then wait at least 60 seconds before hitting send, says Morgan. “Go back and reread it, edit it, and make sure it is clear,” he says. “Look particularly for emotional clarity. Remember, it is the emotions that are too often lacking in our virtual life, and they are hard to get right in an email.”摩根说,写完电子邮件后等上60秒再推送。 “回来再次阅读文章、编写、保证清楚,”他说道。 “需注意心态的画面质量。请记牢,在大家的虚似日常生活常常欠缺这类心态,并且难以在电子邮件中寻找他们。”

  TAKE OUT FILLERS AND QUALIFIERS删掉多余的术语和修饰语No one likes a long, rambling email, but one that’s too short has issues, too. “You can forget to explain stuff and as a result create misunderstandings,” says Morgan. “Trying to keep it as short as possible can be a trap and make you feel overwhelmed. Brevity is not a virtue in and of itself, and writing should go as long as necessary.”没人喜爱冗杂而乱七八糟的电子邮件,可是篇数过短的电子邮件也存在的问题。“篇数过短得话,你很有可能会忘掉表述一些事儿,进而造成误会,”摩根说。“操纵邮件篇数也可能是一个圈套,给你觉得手足无措。简约自身并并不是一种传统美德,创作還是应当尽量长。”

  While the content may be long, there are tricks to keeping it concise. Take out fillers, qualifiers, adverbs, and adjectives, suggests Morgan. Keep the prose matter-of-fact and clear, and write conversationally, revising as needed.尽管邮件內容很有可能较长,但能够运用一些方法维持內容简约。摩根提议删掉多余的术语、修饰语、介词和修饰词。维持文章内容客观事实精确和条理清楚,保存会话特性,并依据必须开展改动。

  “Start an email, a paragraph, and your sentences with the familiar, the old, the agreed-upon,” he says. “Then move to the unfamiliar, the new, the debatable. We only crave a little extra knowledge.”“用了解常见且大伙儿一致能接纳的內容刚开始写电子邮件、文章段落和语句。”他说道,“随后再写生疏的、新的和存有异议的內容。大家只渴望一点附加的专业知识。”

  YOU ARE CONVEYING THE RIGHT TONE讲话语气要适合The most important step of crafting a good email is being clear on your intent. “The single most important question to ask is, ‘How does what I just said make you feel?'” says Morgan. “When you talk face to face, the person gets more information from your eyes or body language. In the virtual world, all that is lost.”写好电子邮件的最重要一步是确立你的用意。“你需要问的最重要的一个难题是,‘我不久说的话让你有什么样的体会?’”摩根说。“当大家零距离沟通交流时,另一方会从你的双眼或身体语言中获得其他信息。而在虚幻世界中,这种都将遗失。”

  We tend to overestimate both our ability to convey the tone we want to convey in an email, and our ability to judge other people’s tones, says Morgan. “We think we know exactly what other people are trying to say—but we’re wrong,” he says.摩根表明,大家趋向于看低自身在在电子邮件中表述语气及其分辨别人语气的工作能力。“大家觉得自身准确地了解另一方要想说些什么,但大家不对。”他说道。

  Research from New York University and the University of Chicago found that people are stuck in their own perspectives, grasping a writer’s intent only 56% of the time.美国的大学和芝加哥大学的研究发现,大家一直习惯坚持不懈自身的见解,仅有56%的時间能掌握作者用意。

  “The researchers found this solution: Read your emails out loud a few times in different tones, including offended, sarcastic, or angry, before you send it,” says Morgan. “Reading a message in a way you didn’t intend makes it easier for you to step outside your own perspective and appreciate that you might be misinterpreted. That’s the first step toward better communication.”“科学研究工作人员得到了那么一个解决方法:在邮件传出去以前,用不一样的语气高声读取你的邮件內容,包含得罪,讥讽或发火的语气,”摩根说。“以一种你没要想的方法诵读邮件会给你更非常容易摆脱自身的原有见解而意识到自身很有可能会误解。它是迈进更强沟通交流的第一步。”
