





I beg your pardon?

Could you please slow down a bit?

Q:Could you please introduce yourself?

A:Of course, I feel honored to be here and to introduce myself. Myname is Sun Xiaofei, or you can call me Aaron, that’s my English name. I graduated from Peking

University several years ago, and I’m working in Microsoft these years.


The work experiences over these years make me aware of the gap between my knowledge base and work responsibilities. So, today, I’m planning to continue learning, which, I think, would be of great help for my career development.


I was born and grow upin Beijing – the capitalof China / the capital city of Jiangsu province / a medium-sized city/ a small-sized city.The landscape and cityscape of my hometown are really charming. So, I love it so much.


Q:What’s your biggest advantage / strength?

A:Thanks for your question. First, Isuppose I’m a persevering (有意志力的 / 有意志的) person. Due to the outbreak of virus (病毒的迸发), I have no choice but to stay at home,but I keep learning and preparing fortoday’s interview every single day.Second,

when I am learning or working, I can always wardoff (抵挡) distractions (令人分神的东西) around me (打扫烦扰 = stay focused on my work / study).I’m really good at staying focused on what i am handling right now.


Q:What disadvantages do you think you may have?

A:As you may see from my application materials, I graduated from a very average university. I mean the university doesn’t have much reputation. I think this is a disadvantage when I compete with other candidates (和其别人竞赛时). But, I’m pretty confident about my professional knowledge and performance of today. I believe I can make it.


Q:Why do you decide to take the postgraduate examination?



Firstly, the university where I achieved my Bachelor’s degree (学士学位) is not famous for English major. So, I don’t think I have enough competitive advantages (竞赛优势) in the job market (作业商场). That’s why I needto get a diploma(文凭) from a better university.


Secondly, the Master’s degree (硕士学位) is essential to my future career path (作业生计), especially when it comes to the fact that (特别是当提及……的时分) I’m more likely togeta salary increase (涨薪) and promotion(升职) in the company.


Thirdly, I love university environment, where the academic

atmosphere is around me all day. I can use the library, the study room for free (免费). I can also listen to lectures and have a further discussion with my teachers in professional field. I am really intothis feeling.


Q:Why do you choose / apply for the MBA in our university?

A:First, I know your university has good reputation nationwide. Learning in this kind of top-tier (一线的 / 顶级的) university is my dream.

Second, although I was born and grow up inBeijing, Nanjing seems like (看上去如同) my second hometown, because I’ve been working (studying) here for more than five years. And your university is quite popular in all Jiangsu Province. So, I think xxx Universityis my best choice.

Third, I aspire to (盼望) be able to reside in(在某个当地久居) Nanjing, as the cityscape and culture are charming to me. Also,your university is

on the top list of all universities in Jiangsu Province. So, this is my best choice.


Q:How do you plan your career path?

A:Actually, I’m planning toobtain the Master’s degree at first, and then I’m going to seek more challenging (有应战的) work opportunity.Though it might put more workloads on me and I need to cope with more difficult work assignments, I think only by doing so canI get the worth of tuition I paid and time and energy I devoted (投入). That’s all. Thank you!回来搜狐,查看更多

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