
微信图片_20180801163655.jpg (423.21 KB, 下载次数: 127)

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2018-8-1 16:44 上传

$ a# }8 ~8 l( d" ?% N) x* g! [. |& j# `9 C9 u

# m: w' p& A! W& \前天没事在那儿敲kiwi听得懂的单词给他爸看,越敲越有成就感,虽然总数其实没有多少,可能200左右,但是密密麻麻的一小页,让妈妈我确有无比的成就感和动力。
( O2 L+ ^* K, q* y5 ?记录小家伙的成长,其实也是记录我的。, Y, O2 k6 lZ1 R! I1 O
" y2 i: L1 P) G8 Q
2016.10 第一批英文绘本 MY DAD,毛毛虫、brown bear等7本。那是kiwi刚7个月。
1 }: [4 D4 F, n% _4 O2017.11 乐乐趣看里面.双语3本,利用率很高
V0 Hc7 S- p. q- A# U! n& y 工程车系列 双语
; H) K5 u+ Z" s5 s. S: j3 d# ^) m2017.12 购入一批双语绘本,利用率不高
3 q& {& w- V& E+ n4 r; H2017.12 第一个书架
5 d; o) W2 f. E; b, M
* Q" Q+ Y5 H; x& Q+ i2岁左右开始接触英文动画片,每周一到两次。4 ^2 M- N! A4 B# h' `9 T- E; {
2018.4 点读笔+牛津树分级读物+廖彩杏第一阶段,目前四个月,效果不错,很接受,会主动要求看kipper。同时还购入魔词卡基础版。
0 J& T1 e0 u, E' ^; b2018.5 卡由绘本
+ j5 R8 Y9 O, Y4 t- N7 s) f2018.5 第二个书架* _' v' C2 T! `& f1 P2 D* rB
2018.7 在“两小无猜”论坛下载很多资源,打算用视频+音频磨耳朵+亲子绘本阅读的方法继续英语启蒙。5 E: y( f2 g5 L2 K" g3 |
8 u( f: O0 I: A4 \9 T3 q; m
. _) H- I, Y+ w1、red/blue/yellow/black/white/purple/pink/green/orange/$ |# ]4 F+ c, ]/ i: a9 `& Q6 x
2、apple/stawberry/blue berry/orange/pear/peach/watermelon/cantelupe/pineapple/mango( G% V5 y0 K. u& E9 y6 z1 a
3、egg/spoon/ball/car/digger/bus/school bus/color+car/big trunk/tractor/fire engine/police car/police man/fire man! B$ }4 @5 s' ^& Q' _+ _8 M
6 {2 Z+ B( B( VC. }K5、hand/toes/fingers/tummy/back/hair/ear/eyes/mouth/teeth/bottom/belly button/foot/leg/arm/ a4 L; h( A* ~7 Q
6、put your hands up/pick it up/come on/raise your hands/jump/ready go/give me a hug/give me a kiss/i love you/i miss you/good morning/good night/touch something/run/let's go/good job/my god4 S9 M4 _0 X9 X$ K
7、where is....?$ n& N2 m! b7 v/ z% B, y
8、what's this?
! f( B2 Z9 e9 G8 O+ d( P) u: u/ W9、what color is it?/what color is this apple?
* z$ ~) `+ j, l) m6 w10、sweet/sour/yummy/are you hungry?/i'm hungry/one more book/two more minutes/i can see you/i will catch you/can you catch me?
4 d' {2 A! O% q[11、it's time to go home/it's time to take a bath/it's time to sleep/it's television time/it's bath time/it's time for dinner/it's time to wake up
4 l* F" g8 f, {+ ex0 P6 E12、mummy/daddy/grandpa/grandma/baby/rabbit/elephant/dog/puppy/cat/giraff/crocodile/dinosaur/lion/tiger/brown bear/polar bear/monkey/fish/panda/bamboo/zebraj- z- t1 L+ d3 o% T
. ~- t0 Y( }, m: C) c# c+ M9 ~2 x14、circle/triangle/rectangle/square/dimand/star/heart
$ N4 ^5 @- Z! _7 [: B; L15、it's rainy day
6 E( y( z& b) y4 @16、put on your shoes/take off your shirt/press the button/elevator/go up/go down/wheel/torn/ticket/driver/happy birthday' H/ D# G7 b% t8 u4 F) W/ O. e4 h$ b
17、spider/ladybug/big/small/which one?
4 X9 d( H+ }7 b$ s! ^18、drink water/soup/juice/pen/book/hurry up/wash your hand/do you like it?/garlic/it's so dark,i'm so scared/milk" u( f' `/ G+ b3 E7 I9 v5 l
19、back/bread/cake/pig/horse/door/open/ close/flower/glasses/box/train/wash your hands/brush your teeth/drink water
! s0 W" ~8 A5 d+ }9 h7 u5 Y4 }/ j2 Wy2 I* C

微信图片_20180801164151.jpg (145.25 KB, 下载次数: 131)

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2018-8-1 16:49 上传

. n7 B+ O1 [' Z/ @. a

2 Y# M: {7 R: x1 Vk& W
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