
一、prelude n.序幕,前奏 prelude to ...的前奏

贫苦事的前奏 a prelude to serious trouble

introduction n.导论,绪论(连to) introduction

to the book

preface n.序,媒介(连to) the preface to Hemingway’s novel

foreword n.序(连to)She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.她为一本食谱写了媒介。

二、unforeseen adj.料想以外的

foresee v.预感,预知(=see before hand/see in advance)

-I can foresee a bright future for you.

foreseeable adj.可预感的 foreseeing adj.料想当中的

unforeseeing adj.料想以外的

foretell v.(平凡用词)预言(主语可用人或物)

predict v.预言,预示(语气比foretell强,主语是人)

-He predicts that it would happen in ten years.

forecast v.展望,预告

-Timely snow forecasts bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆康年。

三、series n.系列(单复同形) a series of

-We've got a series of good harvest.

chain n.连串,连锁 a chain of 一系列

a chain of reaction= a series of reaction连锁反响chain store 连锁店

succession 偏重指时候的次序,夸大时候的持续而没有间离隔。

a succession of failure 一系列的失败

-We've got a succession of success.

string 持续不竭类似的事务 a string of cars 连续串的汽车


一个接一个的产生 a train of thoughts/ideas 一个个的设法

四、catastrophe n.大祸,劫难


worldwide catastrophe 世界范畴的劫难

national catastrophe 波及天下的劫难

disaster n. 劫难,不幸 (比catastrophe 弱的多,阐明劫难、不幸的水平是可以疏忽的)

calamity n.灾难,不幸事务(指使人酸心的,小我或社会的丧失,常常指发生长期、遍及的哀伤痛楚)

nature calamity 天然灾难 He described drugs as the greatest calamity of the age.他形容福寿膏是这个期间最大的劫难

五、crockery n.陶器,瓦器 一次性餐具 disposable crockery

六、suburb n.郊区 suburban adj.郊区的n.郊区住民

urban adj.都会的 urban resident 都会住民(=city resident)

rural adj. 屯子的,乡间的 rural area 屯子地域

county n.县 autonomous town 自治县

七、collide v.猛撞 collide with 碰撞,抵牾

-His bicycle collided with a lorry. 他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。

collision n.碰撞,冲突 collision accident 碰撞变乱

in collision 相撞,在冲突中

-They were on their way to the airport when their van was involved in a collision with a car.

八、panic n. 惶恐,发急 get into a panic 堕入惶恐当中

-He suddenly got into a panic and stopped his car.

be seized/struck with panic 惶恐失措

九、windscreen n.(汽车的)挡风玻璃

screen n. 屏,幕 computer screen 电脑屏幕

silver screen 银幕,片子 touch screen 触屏(触摸式屏幕)

on screen 在屏幕上,在银屏上

十、slide v. (slide,slid, slid) 滑

lantern slide 幻灯片 slide show 幻灯片放映

slide down a hill 从山上滑下来

slide on the ice/street 在冰上打滑/滑倒在大街上

十一、stray a. 迷失的 = lost stray animals 迷失的动物

-A stray dog came up to him.

Stray Birds 飞鸟集(泰戈尔的闻名诗集)

vi. 迷失(凡是与介词form 连用)

The dog strayed from home.

1二、confusion n. ( condition out of order )紊乱

in confusion 参差不齐

-The room was in confusion after the birthday party.(=in a mess)

fall into confusion 堕入紊乱状况

be covered with confusion 狭隘不安

throw sb. into confusion 使或人惶恐失措

out order 紊乱 in order 秩序井然

1三、devour v. 风卷残云 The dog devours the cake.

2. destroy 吞灭,囊括The flame devours the whole building.

3. take in eagerly with eyes, ears, or mind 贪心地看、听

-His eyes devoured the scene. -他两眼贪心的看着这标致的风光。