你理解英语keep you posted的语言是英语吗

keep you posted是甚么意思?

你“理解”英语I'll keep you posted的说话可所以中文“随时奉告你最新环境”,也能够是下面的英语(你学过或没学过)。


好比,见英语I'll keep you posted时:我就想晓得它的中文甚么意思?我就想晓得学了今后能不克不及有机遇跟人“用”。


1. Okay.I got you.To keep someone posted means To keep someone always informed (of what' happening):posted means informed,and always means from time to time.


2. Okay.Got it.If you say:I'll keep you posted,you mean:I'll let you know the latest development/give you the latest information from time

to time.

除会说一个英语短语keep you posted以外,这些英语(白话)都能说好吗?

For example. She made me promise to keep her posted on developments. I'll keep you posted with what's happening.
