








Located on the Minjiang River in the west of the Chengdu Plain,Dujiangyanis about 50 kilometers away from Chengdu City,which was built in the thirdcentury BC. It is unique since there is no need to use dams to regulate the flowof water. For more than two thousand years, Dujiangyan has been effective inflood control and irrigation, making the Chengdu Plain a fertile soil fordrought and flood protection and one of China's most important grain productionareas.

As the oldest water control project in the world,the Dujiangyan Projectembodies the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence of our people and nature,whichis still in use and can control water without any blocking dam.



解析:“坐落在 be located in“”据...公里 be away from ...“”建于...世纪 be built in the...century“皆为四级翻译真题高频原句,2017年黄山话题,华山话题都已考过。可见夯实真题,从真题出发始终的翻译板块的重点复习方向。同时,该句为课上重点强调过的翻译高频句式,多动句结构:前后主语相同,可运用非谓语结构或定语从句进行整合翻译。

译文:Located on the Minjiang River in the west of the ChengduPlain,Dujiangyan is about 50 kilometers away from Chengdu City,which was builtin the third century BC.



”调控“为‘管理’含义,但可进行难词简化处理为”控制“ ,”堤坝“若不会翻译,也可简译为上下文提过的话题词”该工程theproject“或”设备“,或省译为”无需调控水流“。

译文:It is unique since there is no need to use dams to regulate the flow ofwater.


解析:此句依旧为四级翻译重点句式多动句,”使....“与前一句构成语义上的目的关系,因此可运用非谓语结构,将该句升级书写;”旱涝保收“为此句的难词,含义为,“不管天旱还是多雨都有好收成“,此处也可宽泛理解为”regardlessof drought and flood”

译文:For more than two thousand years, Dujiangyan has been effective in floodcontrol and irrigation, making the Chengdu Plain a fertile soil for drought andflood protection and one of China's most important grain production areas.



译文:As the oldest water control project in the world,the Dujiangyan Projectembodies the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence of our people and nature,whichis still in use and can control water without any blocking dam.





Karez is a water conservancy system in the arid area of Xinjiang, in whichwells are connected by underground channels. The system collects vast amounts ofrainwater and melted snow water that seep into the ground in spring and summer,and draws the water to the ground through the natural slope of the mountain toirrigate farmland and meet people's daily needs. Karez reduces the evaporationof water on the ground and does little damage to the ground, effectivelyprotecting the natural resources and ecological environment. Karez embodies thewisdom of the harmonious coexistence between people and nature, which is a greatcontribution to human civilization.


句1:坎儿井( Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统,由地下渠道将水井连接而成。

解析:坎儿井( Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统 = 主干(坎儿井(Karez)是一种水利系统+定语(新疆干旱地区的);主干为主系表结构,定语可用介词短语进行翻译;“由地下渠道将水井连接而成”进一步补充说明这一水利系统,因此可将其处理为定从。

译文:Karez is a water conservancy system in the arid area of Xinjiang, inwhich wells are connected by underground channels.

句2:该系统将春夏季节渗入( seepinto)地下的大量雨水及积雪融水收集起来,通过山体的自然坡度引到地面,用于灌溉农田和满足人们的日常用水需求。

解析:本句较长,但是句子成分相对明确;主干:该系统将雨水及积雪融水收集起来,引到地面;状语:用于灌溉农田和满足人们的日常用水需求+通过山体的自然坡度;定语:春夏季节渗入(seep into)地下的+大量;状语定语都是四级常考形式,课上讲解技巧完全可以解决。

译文:The system collects vast amounts of rainwater and melted snow water thatseep into the ground in spring and summer, and draws the water to the groundthrough the natural slope of the mountain to irrigate farmland and meet people'sdaily needs.

句3:坎儿井減少了水在地面的蒸发( evaporation),对地表破坏很小,因而有效地保护了自然资源与生态环境。


译文:Karez reduces the evaporation of water on the ground and does littledamage to the ground, effectively protecting the natural resources andecological environment.



译文:Karez embodies the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence between peopleand nature, which is a great contribution to human civilization.





The Grand Canal, one of the most magnificent projects in the Chinesehistory, is the longest man-made waterway in the world, which stretches fromBeijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. The construction of the canalbegan in the 4th century and was completed at the end of 13th century.Originally, it was responsible for grain transportation, and later was used tocarry other commodities. The areas along the canal have gradually developed intothe center of industry and commerce in China. For a long time, it has played akey role in the economic development of China, promoting the personal exchangeand cultural communication between the north and the south greatly.


句1+句2:大运河(Grand Canal)是世界上最长的人工河,北起北京,南至杭州。它是中国历史上最宏伟的工程之一。

解析:该句中“世界上最长的... one of the longest man-made rivers in the world "类似句式在2017年6月中珠江、长江、黄河中都有出现过,由此可见回顾往年真题的重要性。在翻译技巧上,该句属于课上重点强调过的多动句的翻译,可以选择用定语从句或者并列句来进行翻译。另外,句2句式较为简单且为对句1的解释说明,所以采取了同位语的结构来处理。

译文:The Grand Canal, one of the most magnificent projects in the Chinesehistory, is the longest man-made waterway in the world, which stretches fromBeijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south.


解析:该句主要注意公元前4世纪的表述为“the 4th centuryBC”;另外,需要注意第二个分句主干需要用到被动语态来处理,以及由于出现了表示过去的时间所以选择一般过去时。

译文:The construction of the canal began in the 4th century BC and wascompleted at the end of 13th century.


解析:句中“是为了 was responsible for”,需要注意句中表述为“修建之初”,所以时态是一般过去时,句式上,同样是对多个动作的处理,选择了并列来表达。

译文:Originally, it was responsible for grain transportation, and later wasused to carry other commodities.


解析:该句注意定语的翻译:“大运河沿线区域 areas along thecanal”,选择用介词短语后置修饰前面的名词,类似句式也出现在2016年6月乌镇的题目中。

译文:The areas along the canal have gradually developed into the center ofindustry and commerce in China.


解析:词汇短语上:“长久以来for a long time” 以及“发挥了...重要作用 play a key rolein”都曾出现在往年真题中,再次体现了真题词汇的重要性。另外句式上,也是多动句的处理,选择了非谓语来表达。

译文:For a long time, it has played a key role in the economic development ofChina, promoting the personal exchange and cultural communication between thenorth and the south


