
《少儿图解同义词》Children's Illustrated Thesaurus DK包含了儿童发展词汇所需的一切,可以拓展孩子英语词汇量。建议小学后再学习吧。
1 \# |: p4 i9 H! r' P千万不要忘记单词,同义词和反义词大约有四千个词条。每个条目都有一个定义和一个例句来支持,以帮助增强孩子使用和选择单词的信心。
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1 ?% m! b0 J- S4 k; g以其新鲜有趣的设计,儿童插图词库将激励儿童建立一个丰富和充满活力的词汇不过有一定难度,需要有基础的孩子学习,效果更好。/ k) v) Sx' V; F

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资源介绍' y7 F* r3 z: p0 w$ K/ P* J! b
About Children's Illustrated Thesaurus
/ b1 }+ D9 Z$ v8 T' AA comprehensive, illustrated thesaurus created specifically for young readers and writers, with more than 4,000 entries and authoritative content.% S% H$ |6 [$ m
Containing over 36,000 synonyms, the more than 4,000 main entries in Children's Illustrated Thesaurus are brought to life through an imaginative mix of illustrations and photography and fun vocabulary features that explore and expand language. The entries are arranged alphabetically and include definitions and sample sentences to help kids understand the meaning and usage of words in context, and antonym features present another layer of vocabulary for children to enjoy.
$ M! v! d* `7 Z$ v" w/ J$ iWith its fresh and fun design and authoritative content, Children's Illustrated Thesaurus will inspire children to build a rich and vibrant vocabulary and boost their confidence in using and choosing words.
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