


英音 [bləʊ] 美音 [bloʊ]


n. 殴打,打击;吹风,一阵风;意外的灾害;吹奏(声);

vt.& vi. (风)吹;(轮胎等)爆炸;

vt. 吹,吹气;使爆炸;奏出,演奏;使气喘;

vi. 吹刮,吹动;随风飘动;鸣叫;喘气;

【英文释义】 Noun: a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon;

"a blow on the head"

an impact (as from a collision);

"the bump threw him off the bicycle"

an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating

an unpleasant or disappointing surprise;

"it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"

a strong current of air;

"the tree was bent almost double by the gust"

street names for cocaine

forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth;

"he gave his nose a loud blow" "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"

Verb: exhale hard;

"blow on the soup to cool it down"

be blowing or storming;

"The wind blew from the West"

free of obstruction by blowing air through;

"blow one's nose"

be in motion due to some air or water current;

"The leaves were blowing in the wind" "the boat drifted on the lake" "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea" "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"

make a sound as if blown;

"The whistle blew"

shape by blowing;

"Blow a glass vase"

make a mess of, destroy or ruin;

"I botched the dinner and we had to eat out" "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"

spend thoughtlessly; throw away;

"He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends" "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"

spend lavishly or wastefully on;

"He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"

sound by having air expelled through a tube;

"The trumpets blew"

play or sound a wind instrument;

"She blew the horn"

provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation

cause air to go in, on, or through;

"Blow my hair dry"

cause to move by means of an air current;

"The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"

spout moist air from the blowhole;

"The whales blew"

leave; informal or rude;

"shove off!" "The children shoved along" "Blow now!"

lay eggs;

"certain insects are said to blow"

cause to be revealed and jeopardized;

"The story blew their cover" "The double agent was blown by the other side"

show off

allow to regain its breath;

"blow a horse"

melt, break, or become otherwise unusable;

"The lightbulbs blew out" "The fuse blew"

burst suddenly;

"The tire blew" "We blew a tire"

【blow相关词】 blowback n. 后座,后座力;后坐;泵回;回爆;blower n. 吹风机;送风机;电话;blowfish n. 河豚,黄麻鲈;blowfly n. (尤指产卵于腐肉、创口的)丽蝇,绿头苍蝇;blowgun n. 吹箭筒,喷漆(或油)的器具;blowhard n. 吹牛大王,自吹自擂的人;blowhole n. (鲸头顶的)呼吸孔;(供海豹等呼吸的)冰窟窿;铸孔;blowjob n. 口交;blown adj. 喘气的;膨胀的;开花的;吹制的; v. 吹气( blow的过去分词 );刮风;吹响;炸开;blowoff n. 喷出;喷出器; 大言不惭的人; 高潮;结局;争吵;blowout n. 爆胎;盛宴;盛大聚会;轻易的胜利;blowpipe n. (尤指原始人用的)吹矢枪(筒);吹火管;(吹制玻璃器皿等的)吹管;喷焊器;blowsy adj. 红脸的,蓬乱的,不整洁的;blowtorch n. 吹管,喷灯;blowup n. 爆炸;叱责;发怒;摄影放大;blowy adj. 吹风的,风大的;blowzy adj. 红脸的,蓬乱的,不整洁的;counterblow n. 反击;deathblow n. 致命的打击;flyblow n. 蝇卵; vt. 蝇产卵在内,玷污,沾染;overblow vt. 吹散,吹落;夸张,过分渲染; vi. (管乐器等)吹得过响;

【blow相关词条】 blow-by-blow adj. 极为详尽的,逐一记录的;hot blow 热鼓风;blow in 吹进;突然来访;花光(钱);滥花(钱);blow out 吹熄;爆裂;吹出;停吹;blow sand 飞沙,飘沙,喷沙;body blow n. 重击,惨败;blow back 吹回;漏气;knockout blow 击倒对方的一拳;swashing blow n. 殴打,痛击;blow cold 低温吹炼;blow away (使)吹掉;吹去;blow-and-blow machines 吹制机;blow-and-blow process 吹-吹成形法;blow-and-blow machine 吹-吹法成形机;blow upon... 使名誉扫地; 搞臭; 告发; 告密;blow head 喷头,吹气头;blow upon 使受损害, 使丢脸;告发;low blow n. 卑鄙勾当,(拳击)打在腰下的部位;young blow 初期鼓风,稚吹;counter blow 倒吹法;