


英音 [aʊt] 美音 [aʊt]


adv. 出局;在外,在外部;完全,彻底;出版;

prep. (表示来源)从;(从…里)出来;(表示不在原状态)脱离;离去;

vt. 使熄灭;揭露;驱逐;

adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的;外围的;

n. 不流行;出局;

【英文释义】 Noun: (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball;

"you only get 3 outs per inning"

Adjective: not allowed to continue to bat or run;

"he was tagged out at second on a close play" "he fanned out"

being out or having grown cold;

"threw his extinct cigarette into the stream" "the fire is out"

not worth considering as a possibility;

"a picnic is out because of the weather"

out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election;

"now the Democrats are out"

excluded from use or mention;

"forbidden fruit" "in our house dancing and playing cards were out" "a taboo subject"

directed outward or serving to direct something outward;

"the out doorway" "the out basket"

no longer fashionable;

"that style is out these days"

outside or external;

"the out surface of a ship's hull"

outer or outlying;

"the out islands"

knocked unconscious by a heavy blow

Adverb: away from home;

"they went out last night"

moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden;

"the cat came out from under the bed"

from one's possession;

"he gave out money to the poor" "gave away the tickets"

Verb: to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality;

"This actor outed last year"

reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle;

"The gay actor was outed last week" "Someone outed a CIA agent"

be made known; be disclosed or revealed;

"The truth will out"

【out相关词】 out- pref. 表示“向外,出外”;outage n. (尤指电力的)断供期,断供;outback n. 内地(指澳大利亚等偏僻而人口稀少的地方); adj. 内地的; adv. 在内地;outbalance v. 重量上超过;outbid vt. 出价高于(别人);outboard adj. 船外的,舷外的;(飞机)外侧的; adv. 向船外,向舷外;(在飞机)紧靠翼尖处;outbound adj. 开往外地的,开往外国的;outbreak n. (战争,怒气等的)爆发;突然发生; vi. 爆发;outbreed vt. 使远系繁殖;outbreeding n. 远系繁殖; v. 使远系繁殖( outbreed的现在分词 );outbuilding n. 外屋(指车库、谷仓等); v. 比…建得更多(或更好)( outbuild的现在分词 );outburst n. (蒸汽,怒气等的)爆发;破裂;outcast n. 被抛弃者;流浪的人;被驱逐的人;流氓,无赖; adj. 被遗弃的;被逐出(家庭,国家)的;无家可归的;被排斥的;outcaste n. (印度)被剥夺种姓者,贱民;outclass v. 比…高一等,大大超过;outcome n. 结果;成果;出路;outcrop n. 露出地面的岩层;outcross vt. 使远交,使异型杂交;

【out相关词条】 out- pref. 表示“向外,出外”;out and out adv. 彻底地,不折不扣地;彻里彻外;百分之百;out-and-out adj. 完全的,彻底的;from out to out adv. 从一端到另一端;从一端到一端;breed out and out v. 异种繁殖;heave out 将船的龙骨露出水面进行维修;sail out 开船;run out 用完;耗尽;跑出去;到期;fly out 突然冲出;(使)乘飞机去遥远的地方;shut out 排除,把…关在外边;退关;障蔽;杜;tread out v. 踩灭;扑灭;踩出;平息;out-to-out distance 外沿间距离;distance out to out 外沿间距离;out-to-out 外廓尺寸,总尺寸;out-out business 外围业务;out to out 最大尺寸;总尺度;