中英文解析SAT OG 阅读完成句子练习题

sat OG Practice Test 1

中英文解析SAT OG 阅读完成句子练习题图1


Section 2

1. 当他准确预测他的书某天会在他祖国俄罗斯出现时,亚历山大舒恩森的________被证实敏锐。

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's __________ proved keenest when he accurately predicted that his books wou


ld someday appear in his native Russia.

(A) foresight n. 先见

(B) nostalgia n. 怀旧之情

(C) folly n. 荒唐事

(D) despair n. 绝望

(E) artistry n. 艺术性


The simple and direct images in Dorothea Lange's photographs provide __________reflection of a bygone social milieu.

(A) an intricate adj. 一个复杂的

(B) a candid adj. 一个坦白的

(C) an ostentatious adj. 一个夸耀的

(D) a fictional adj. 一个虚构的

(E) a convoluted adj. 一个复杂的

3. 凯特任性的本性和突然的兴致被她朋友们称为__________。

Kate's impulsive nature and sudden whims led her friends to label her__________.

(A) capricious adj. 任性的,反复无常的

(B) bombastic adj. 夸大的

(C) loquacious adj. 多话的

(D) dispassionate adj. 不带感情的

(E) decorous adj. 有礼貌的

4. 脑科医生亚历克斯肯尼迪一贯主张选择职业是一个直觉的选择而不是________审判;也就是说,选择不是理性的而是________.

Neurosurgeon Alexa Canady maintained that choosing a career was a visceral decision rather than ________judgment; that is, it was not so much rational as _________.

(A) an emotional adj 一个情绪的...intellectual adj. 聪明的

(B) a chance n. 一个机会...random adj. 任意的

(C) an intuitive adj. 一个直觉的 ...impulsive adj. 任性的

(D) a deliberate adj. 一个仔细思考的...instinctive adj. 直觉的

(E) an intentional adj. 一个故意的...logical adj. 逻辑的

5. 创意性的商业策略经常成为_________是受________影响的结果, 策略的多功能性和适应性在它们被实施成严厉的政策时就失效了。

Creative business stratagems frequently become _________as a result of__________, their versatility and adaptability destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.

(A) streamlined adj. 净化了的...infighting n. 斗争

(B) mitigated adj. 减轻...jingoism n. 侵略主义

(C) ossified adj. 僵化的...bureaucatization n. 官僚主义

(D) politicized adj. 政治化了...innovation n. 创新

(E) venerable adj. 庄严的 ...legislation n. 法律